Configures a Fabric Extend (FE) tunnel with only fragmentation and reassembly capabilities, on the Fabric IPsec Gateway Virtual Machine (VM).
set logical-intf-tunnel <1-255> fe-tunnel-dest-ip {A.B.C.D}
set logical-intf-tunnel <1-255> mtu <750-9000>
set logical-intf-tunnel <1-255> tunnel-name WORD <1-64>
set logical-intf-tunnel <1-255> egress-shaping-rate <1-1000>
Specifies the Fabric Extend (FE) tunnel destination IP address for the logical interface.
Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value for the FE tunnel with only fragmentation and assembly capabilities.
Specifies the egress shaper rate for the logical interface tunnel.
Fabric IPsec Gateway Configuration
This command does not apply to all hardware platforms. For more information about feature support, see Fabric Engine and VOSS Feature Support Matrix.