ssh encryption-type

Modify Secure Shell (SSH) configuration parameters to support public and private key encryption connections.


Command Parameters

<3des-cbc | aead-aes-128-gcm-ssh | aead-aes-256-gcm-ssh | aes128-cbc | aes128-ctr | aes192-cbc | aes192-ctr | aes256-cbc | aes256-ctr | blowfish-cbc | rijndael128-cbc | rijndael192-cbc>
Specifies the encryption type.


By default, all encryption types are enabled.

If you configure the switch in enhanced secure mode, 3des-cbc and blowfish-cbc are disabled by default.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Switch side encryption and authentication type must be configured to the AES-GCM-128/256 methods and needs at least one hmac method in the authentication list for the connection with Open SSH to work.