ip rip advertise-when-down enable (for a VLAN)

Enable or disable AdvertiseWhenDown. If enabled, the network on this interface is advertised as up, even if the port is down. The default is disabled. When you configure a port with no link and enable advertise-when-down, it does not advertise the route until the port is active. Then the route is advertised even when the link is down. To disable advertising based on link status, this parameter must be disabled.


Command Parameters

Enables or disables AdvertiseWhenDown. If enabled, the network on this interface is advertised as up, even if the port is down. The default is disabled. When you configure a port with no link and enable advertise-when-down, it does not advertise the route until the port is active. Then the route is advertised even when the link is down. To disable advertising based on link status, this parameter must be disabled.


The default is disabled.

Command Mode

VLAN Interface Configuration