Configure new passwords for each access level, or change the logon or password for the different access levels of the switch. After you receive the switch, use default passwords to initially access CLI. If you use Simple Network Management Protocol version 3 (SNMPv3), you can change encrypted passwords.
cli password WORD<1-20> layer1
cli password WORD<1-20> layer2
cli password WORD<1-20> layer3
cli password WORD<1-20> read-only
cli password WORD<1-20> read-write
cli password WORD<1-20> read-write-all
The read-only default logon is ro and the default password is ro.
The Layer 1 read/write logon is l1 and the default password is l1.
The Layer 2 read/write logon is l2 and the default password is l2.
The Layer 3 read/write logon is l3 and the default password is l3.
The read/write logon is rw and the default password is rw.
The read/write/all logon is rwa and the default password is rwa.
Global Configuration