show sys power power-supply

View information about installed power supplies.




Command Mode


Command Output

The show sys power power-supply command displays the following information:

Output field


Power Supply

Displays the power supply slot.


Displays the type of power used.

Input Voltage

Displays the input line voltage.

Serial Num

Displays the power supply serial number.

Part Num

Displays the power supply part number.

Oper Status

Displays the status as on (up) or off (down).

Max Power

Displays the maximum power of the power supply.

Fan FlowType

Displays the airflow direction of the power supply.

Hardware Revision

Displays the hardware revision number.

Voltage [in V]

Displays the input voltage value for the power supply unit.

Voltage [out V]

Displays the output voltage value for the power supply unit.

Current in [in A]

Displays the input current value in for the power supply unit.

Current out [out A]

Displays the output current value for the power supply unit.

Power in [in W]

Displays the input power value in for the power supply unit.

Power out [out W]

Displays the output power value in for the power supply unit.


The following example displays detailed power information for each power supply.

5420F-48P-4XE-FabricEngine:1#show sys power power-supply
                            Power Supply Information
Power  Type    Input    Serial           Part             Oper   Max      Fan      Hardware
Supply         Voltage  Num              Num              Status Power    FlowType Revision
PS#1   AC      unknown  --               --               DOWN   0        front-back --
PS#2   AC      110/220  2041U-30076      801092-00-01     UP     150      front-back 01

Power            Voltage    Voltage          Current    Current          Power      Power
Supply           in[V]      out[V]           in[A]      out[A]           in[W]      out[W]
PS#1             --         --               --         --               --         --
PS#2             240.25     12.08            0.21       1.53             23.41      18.72
5520-48SE-ACDC-FabricEngine:1#show sys power power-supply
                            Power Supply Information
Power  Type    Input    Serial           Part             Oper   Max      Fan      Hardware
Supply         Voltage  Num              Num              Status Power    FlowType Revision
PS#1   AC      110/220  P0182310A-C0�80  XN-ACPWR-550W-FB UP     550      front-back 00

Power            Voltage    Voltage          Current    Current          Power      Power
Supply           in[V]      out[V]           in[A]      out[A]           in[W]      out[W]
PS#1             239.25     12.00            0.30       3.69             60.38      45.25

Usage Guidelines

Switches do not report information for Voltage in, Voltage out, Current in, Current out, Power in, and Power out for fixed power supply units.