Configure Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP) on a port to ensure that there is end-to-end reachability.
default vlacp
default vlacp enable
default vlacp ethertype
default vlacp fast-periodic-time
default vlacp flap-frequency
default vlacp flap-interval
default vlacp funcmac-addr
default vlacp slow-periodic-time
default vlacp timeout
default vlacp timeout-scale
no vlacp
no vlacp enable
vlacp enable
vlacp ethertype <1536-65535 | 0x600-0xffff>
vlacp flap-frequency <3-30>
vlacp flap-interval <10-600>
vlacp fast-periodic-time <100-20000>
vlacp funcmac-addr 0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00
vlacp slow-periodic-time <10000-30000>
vlacp timeout long
vlacp timeout short
vlacp timeout-scale <2-10>
Long configures the port to use the timeout-scale value multiplied by the slow-periodic-time.
Short configures the port to use the timeout-scale value multiplied by the fast-periodic-time.
GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration
Use the following information to prevent flooding VLACP packets across a defaulted switch:
Use the default MAC address, 01:80:c2:00:11:00, for end-to-end connections that traverse an intermediate network.
Use the reserved multicast MAC address 01-80-c2-00-00-0f for directly-connected, peer-to-peer links.