Enable the Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) instance on the remote Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) interfaces.
default isis remote spbm <1-100> interface-type
default isis remote spbm <1-100> l1-metric
isis remote spbm <1-100>
isis remote spbm <1-100> interface-type { broadcast | pt-pt }
isis remote spbm <1-100> l1-metric { <1-16777215> | auto }
no isis remote spbm <1-100>
no isis remote spbm <1-100> interface-type
no isis remote spbm <1-100> l1-metric
The default is none.
GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration
This command does not apply to all hardware platforms. For more information about feature support, see Fabric Engine and VOSS Feature Support Matrix.