filter acl ace protocol

Use protocol access control entries (ACEs) to filter on the TCP source port, UDP source port, TCP destination port, UDP destination port, ICMP message type, and TCP flags.


Command Parameters


Specifies the ACE ID.


Specifies the ACL ID.

dst-port <eq|mask> WORD<1-60>
The <eq|mask> parameter specifies an operator for a field match condition: equal to.
The WORD<1-60> parameter specifies the destination port for the TCP protocol: (0-65535), or {echo| ftpdata| ftpcontrol| ssh| telnet| dns| http|bgp| hdot323| bootpServer| boorpClient| tftp| rip| rtp| rctp| undefined}.
icmp-msg-type <eq> WORD <1-200>
Specifies the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) message type attribute of the protocol.
The <eq> parameter specifies an operator for a field match condition: equal to.
The WORD<1-200> parameter specifies one or more IP protocol types (0-255), or {echoreply|destunreach| sourcequench| redirect| echo-request| routeradv|routerselect| time-exceeded| param-problem| timestamp-request|timestamp-reply| addressmask-request| addressmask-reply| traceroute}.
icmpv6-msg-type <eq> WORD <1-200>
Specifies the ICMPv6 message type attribute of the protocol.
The <eq> parameter specifies an operator for a field match condition: equal to.
The WORD<1-200> parameter specifies one or more Icmpmsg type {0-255} or {destUnreach | pktTooBig | timeExceeded | paramProblem | echoRequest | echoReply | mcastListenReq | mcastListenRpt | mcastListenDone | routerSolicit | routerAdvert | neighborSolicit | neighborAdvert | redirectMsg | nodeInfoReq | nodeInfoRsp | v2McastListenRpt}.
routing-type eq <0-2>
This parameter represents the routing type attribute.
src-port <eq|mask> WORD<1-65535>
The <eq|mask> parameter specifies an operator for a field match condition.
The WORD <1-65535> parameter specifies the destination port for the TCP protocol {0-65535}.
tcp-flags <eq|mask> WORD<1-50>
Specifies TCP-flags attribute of the protocol.
The <eq|mask> parameter specifies an operator for a field match condition.
The WORD <1-50> parameter specifies one or more TCP flags: {none| fin| syn| rst| push| ack| urg|undefined}. The tcp-flags and icmp-msg-type command options support lists.



Command Mode

Global Configuration