Network Operating System Personalities

Table 1. Network operating system personality product support



Release introduced

Dual-boot personalities

5420 Series

VOSS 8.4

5520 Series

VOSS 8.2.5

VSP 4450 Series

Not Supported

VSP 4900 Series

Not Supported

VSP 7200 Series

Not Supported

VSP 7400 Series

Not Supported

VSP 8200 Series

Not Supported

VSP 8400 Series

Not Supported

VSP 8600 Series

Not Supported

XA1400 Series

Not Supported

Extreme Networks offers universal hardware products that support more than one Network Operating System (NOS) personality. These hardware products ship with a default NOS personality but you can select a non-default personality. After you log in using the default NOS username and password for the first time, you can respond to an initialization question to change the NOS personality.

The following table identifies universal hardware products capable of running VOSS and indicates the default NOS personality.

Table 2. Universal hardware with VOSS support
Product NOS support Documentation

5520 Series

ExtremeXOS (default)


Network Operating System Selection

The primary method to select a NOS personality is by using ExtremeCloud IQ or Extreme Management Center. To select a NOS personality using ExtremeCloud IQ, see Read Me First – Universal Hardware. If the network is not accessible, or if you do not use Extreme Networks management software, you can also change the NOS personality manually by using CLI commands in the running NOS.

The procedure in this document includes the commands you use if the personality is VOSS and you need to change the NOS personality manually. To change the personality to VOSS, see the documentation for the running NOS.

VOSS Default Behavior

The following list provides details about the default behavior after you deploy a universal hardware product with the VOSS personality: