ExtremeCloud IQ Agent

Table 1. IQ Agent product support



Release introduced

ExtremeCloud IQ Agent

5420 Series

VOSS 8.4

5520 Series

VOSS 8.2.5

VSP 4450 Series

Not supported

VSP 4900 Series

VOSS 8.2

  • VSP4900-48P

    VIMs: VIM5-4YE, VIM5-4X, VIM5-4XE, and VIM5-2Y

VOSS 8.2.5

  • VSP4900-24P

  • VSP4900-24S

  • VSP4900-24XE

  • IDD


    VIMs: VIM5-4Y

VSP 7200 Series

Not supported

VSP 7400 Series

VOSS 8.2

VSP 8200 Series

Not supported

VSP 8400 Series

Not supported

VSP 8600 Series

Not supported

XA1400 Series

VOSS 8.2

For the most current information on switches supported by ExtremeCloud™ IQ, see ExtremeCloud™ IQ Learning What‘s New.

ExtremeCloud IQ provides cloud-managed networking, and delivers unified, full-stack management of wireless access points, switches, and routers. It enables onboarding, configuration, monitoring, troubleshooting, reporting, and more. Using innovative machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies, ExtremeCloud IQ analyzes and interprets millions of network and user data points, from the network edge to the data center, to power actionable business and IT insights, and to deliver new levels of network automation and intelligence.

VOSS supports a zero touch connection to ExtremeCloud IQ. Zero touch deployment is used to deploy and configure a switch using ExtremeCloud IQ.

VOSS integrates with ExtremeCloud IQ using ExtremeCloud IQ Agent. When you enable IQAgent, you can configure and monitor VOSS devices using ExtremeCloud IQ.

ExtremeCloud IQ supports the following features for VOSS:

You can configure the following features using the ExtremeCloud IQ interface:

For more information about ExtremeCloud IQ, see https://www.extremenetworks.com/support/documentation/extremecloud-iq/.