Configure IS-IS Multi-area SPB Virtual Node



This procedure only applies to the VSP 7400 Series.

About this task

Perform this procedure to configure the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node parameters like nick-name, system ID, and system name in the home or remote area.


  1. Enter Router Configuration mode for either an IS-IS or a remote IS-IS:


    configure terminal

    router isis or router isis remote

  2. Configure the nick-name for the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node:

    area-vnode nick-name <x.xx.xx>

  3. Configure the system name for the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node:

    area-vnode sys-name WORD<0-255>

  4. Configure the system ID for the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node:

    area-vnode system-id xxxx.xxxx.xxxx


Configuring the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node in the home area:

Switch:1#configure terminal
Switch:1(config)#router isis
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode nick-name 0.82.40
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode sys-name SwitchC
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode system-id 1222.3300.0000

Configuring the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node in the remote area:

Switch:1#configure terminal
Switch:1(config)#router isis remote
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode nick-name 0.82.60
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode sys-name SwitchA
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode system-id 1222.3311.2222

What to do next

To verify the configuration, see Display IS-IS Area Virtual Node Configuration.

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the area-vnode command.

Variable Value
nick-name x.xx.xx

Specifies a nickname for the IS-IS SPBM Multi-area SPB instance. The value is 2.5 bytes in the format x.xx.xx.

sys-name WORD<0-255>

Specifies the name of the system.

system-id xxxx.xxxx.xxxx

Specifies the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node system ID.