The following section describes a simple configuration example to configure Distributed Virtual Routing (DvR) over a Fabric Connect (SPB) network.
In this example, you configure two DvR Controllers (with IP addresses and and two DvR Leaf nodes (with IP addresses and, in a single DvR domain with domain ID 9. Hosts connect to the DvR nodes as shown in the figure.
On the switches to be configured as DvR Controllers:
Ensure that you configure Fabric Connect.
Ensure that you configure IP Shortcuts on the node. This is necessary for proper functioning of the node as a DvR Controller.
Verify that the dvr-leaf-mode boot flag is disabled on the node. To verify the setting, enter show boot config flags in Privileged EXEC mode.
On the switches to be configured as DvR Leaf nodes:
Ensure that you configure Fabric Connect.
DvR Controller configuration — Controller 1 and Controller 2:
The following examples show verification on one of the switches. Perform this verification on both switches.
Switch1:1>en Switch1:1#show spbm spbm : enable ethertype : 0x8100 nick-name server : enable nick-name allocation : static nick-name server range : B.00.00-B.FF.FF
Switch1:1#show isis spbm =========================================================================================== ISIS SPBM Info =========================================================================================== SPBM B-VID PRIMARY NICK LSDB IP IPV6 MULTICAST SPB-PIM-GW INSTANCE VLAN NAME TRAP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4051-4052 4051 0.10.01 disable enable disable enable disable =========================================================================================== ISIS SPBM SMLT Info =========================================================================================== SPBM SMLT-SPLIT-BEB SMLT-VIRTUAL-BMAC SMLT-PEER-SYSTEM-ID INSTANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 primary 00:00:00:00:00:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Num of SPBM instances: 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Switch1:1#show isis ============================================================================== ISIS General Info ============================================================================== AdminState : enabled RouterType : Level 1 System ID : 00bb.0000.0101 Max LSP Gen Interval : 900 Metric : wide Overload-on-startup : 20 Overload : false Csnp Interval : 10 PSNP Interval : 2 Rxmt LSP Interval : 5 spf-delay : 100 Router Name : Cont-1 ip source-address : ipv6 source-address : ip tunnel source-address : Tunnel vrf : ip tunnel mtu : Num of Interfaces : 4 Num of Area Addresses : 1 Inband Mgmt Clip IP : backbone : disabled Dynamically Learned Area : 00.0000.0000 FAN Member : No Hello Padding : enabled Multi-Area OperState : disabled
Switch:1>en Switch:1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch:1(config)#dvr controller 9 Switch:1(config)#show dvr ================================================================== DVR Summary Info ================================================================== Domain ID : 9 Domain ISID : 16678219 Backbone ISID : Role : Controller My SYS ID : 00:bb:00:00:81:21 Operational State : Up GW MAC : 00:00:5e:00:01:25 InjectDefaultRouteDisable(GRT) : Disabled
Switch:1>en Switch:1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch:1(config)#dvr controller 9 Switch:1(config)#show dvr ================================================================== DVR Summary Info ================================================================== Domain ID : 9 Domain ISID : 16678219 Backbone ISID : 16678216 Role : Controller My SYS ID : 00:bb:00:00:81:21 Operational State : Up GW MAC : 00:00:5e:00:01:25 InjectDefaultRouteDisable(GRT) : Disabled
Switch1:1#show dvr members ============================================================================================ DVR Members (Domain ID: 2) ============================================================================================ System Name Nick-Name Nodal MAC Role -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cont-1 0.10.01 00:bb:00:00:01:01 Controller Cont-2 0.10.02 00:bb:00:00:01:02 Controller 2 out of 2 Total Num of DVR Members displayed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Layer 2 VSN (VLAN) configuration on the DvR Controllers:
Switch1:1(config)#vlan create 200 type port-mstprstp 0 Switch1:1(config)#vlan i-sid 200 20200 Switch1:1(config)#interface vlan 200 Switch1:1(config)#dvr gw-ipv4 Switch1:1(config)#dvr enable Switch1:1(config)#ip address
Switch1:1(config)#vlan create 202 type port-mstprstp 0 Switch1:1(config)#vlan i-sid 202 20202 Switch1:1(config)#interface vlan 202 Switch1:1(config)#dvr gw-ipv4 Switch1:1(config)#dvr enable Switch1:1(config)#ip address Switch1:1(config)#exit Switch1:1#
Switch2:1(config)#vlan create 200 type port-mstprstp 0 Switch2:1(config)#vlan i-sid 200 20200 Switch2:1(config)#interface vlan 200 Switch2:1(config)#dvr gw-ipv4 Switch2:1(config)#dvr enable Switch2:1(config)#ip address
Switch2:1(config)#vlan create 202 type port-mstprstp 0 Switch2:1(config)#vlan i-sid 202 20202 Switch2:1(config)#interface vlan 202 Switch2:1(config)#dvr gw-ipv4 Switch2:1(config)#dvr enable Switch2:1(config)#ip address Switch2:1(config)#exit Switch2:1#
View the DvR interfaces.
On Controllers, DvR interfaces are created when you configure IP on a DvR enabled Layer 2 VSN (VLAN, I-SID). You can also view the administrative state of these interfaces on the Controller.
Switch1:1#show dvr interfaces ======================================================================================================================== DVR Interfaces ======================================================================================================================== Admin SPBMC IGMP Interface Mask L3ISID VRFID L2ISID VLAN GW IPv4 State State Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 20200 200 enable disable 2 0 0 20202 202 enable disable 2 2 out of 2 Total Num of DVR Interfaces displayed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
View the DvR host entries learned locally on the S-UNI port.
Switch1:1#show dvr host-entries ======================================================================================================= DVR Host-Entries ======================================================================================================= HOST L3VSN L2VSN DOMAIN IP-ADDRESS MAC-ADDRESS ISID ISID PORT ID TYPE NEXT HOP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b0:ad:aa:42:ed:04 0 20200 cpp 9 LOCAL Cont-1 b0:ad:aa:42:ed:04 0 20202 cpp 9 LOCAL Cont-1 2 out of 2 Total Num of DVR Host Entries displayed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
View the DvR database. All IP subnet routes configured on the Controller, for the DvR domain, are displayed.
Switch1:1#show dvr database =============================================================================================================================== DVR DATABASE =============================================================================================================================== NEXT L3VSN L2VSN OUTGOING SPB PREFIX DEST MASK HOP ISID ISID INTERFACE COST COST AGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cont-1 0 20200 cpp 10 1 1 day(s), 06:41:40 Cont-1 0 20202 cpp 10 1 1 day(s), 06:41:40 2 out of 2 Total Num of DVR Database entries displayed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
View the DvR routes for the subnets and
Switch1:1#show dvr routes ===================================================================================================== DVR Routes ===================================================================================================== NEXT L3VSN L2VSN DEST MASK HOP ISID ISID TYPE COST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cont-1 0 20200 - 1 Cont-1 0 20202 - 1 2 out of 2 Total Num of DVR Routes displayed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE Legend: E=Ecmp Route
Layer 3 configuration on the DvR Controllers
Switch1:1(config)#ip vrf vrf501 vrfid 501 Switch1:1(config)#vlan create 501 type port-mstprstp 0 Switch1:1(config)#vlan i-sid 501 50501 Switch1:1(config)#interface Vlan 501 Switch1:1(config)#vrf vrf501 Switch1:1(config)#dvr gw-ipv4 Switch1:1(config)#dvr enable Switch1:1(config)#ip address
Switch1:1(config)#router vrf vrf501 Switch1:1(router-vrf)#i-sid 55501 Switch1:1(router-vrf)#ipvpn enable Switch1:1(router-vrf)#exit Switch1:1(config)#
Switch2:1(config)#ip vrf vrf501 vrfid 501 Switch2:1(config)#vlan create 501 type port-mstprstp 0 Switch2:1(config)#vlan i-sid 501 50501 Switch2:1(config)#interface Vlan 501 Switch2:1(config)#vrf vrf501 Switch2:1(config)#dvr gw-ipv4 Switch2:1(config)#dvr enable Switch2:1(config)#ip address
Switch2:1(config)#router vrf vrf501 Switch2:1(router-vrf)#i-sid 55501 Switch2:1(router-vrf)#ipvpn enable Switch2:1(router-vrf)#exit Switch2:1(config)#
View the DvR host entries.
Switch2:1(config)#show dvr host-entries l3isid 55501 ======================================================================================================= DVR Host-Entries ======================================================================================================= HOST L3VSN L2VSN DOMAIN IP-ADDRESS MAC-ADDRESS ISID ISID PORT ID TYPE NEXT HOP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b0:ad:aa:42:ed:08 55501 50501 cpp 9 LOCAL Cont-1 b0:ad:aa:4c:3d:02 55501 50501 1/23 9 DYNAMIC Cont-2 2 out of 3267 Total Num of DVR Host Entries displayed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
View the DvR interfaces.
Switch2:1(config)#show dvr interfaces l3isid 55501 ======================================================================================================================== DVR Interfaces ======================================================================================================================== Admin SPBMC IGMP Interface Mask L3ISID VRFID L2ISID VLAN GW IPv4 State State Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 55501 501 50501 501 enable disable 2 1 out of 291 Total Num of DVR Interfaces displayed
Switch2:1(config)#show dvr database l3isid 55501 ===================================================================================================================== DVR DATABASE ===================================================================================================================== NEXT L3VSN L2VSN OUTGOING SPB PREFIX DEST MASK HOP ISID ISID INTERFACE COST COST AGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cont-1 55501 50501 cpp 10 1 0 day(s), 01:26:49 Cont-1 55501 50501 cpp 10 1 0 day(s), 01:26:49 Cont-2 55501 50501 1/23 10 1 0 day(s), 01:24:53 3 out of 3558 Total Num of DVR Database entries displayed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DvR Leaf configuration — Leaf 1 and Leaf 2
Ensure that you save the current configuration on the switch, before you enable the flag.
Enabling the flag removes all existing non-DvR configuration on the switch, such as platform VLANs and their IP address configuration, CLIP configuration, routing protocol configuration and VRF configuration. The gateway IPv4 address, if configured, is also removed.
On switch with IP address, configure the boot flag and reboot the switch.
Switch3:1>en Switch3:1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch3:1(config)#boot config flags dvr-leaf-mode Switch3:1(config)#save config Switch3:1(config)#reset
On switch with IP address, configure the boot flag and reboot the switch.
Switch4:1>en Switch4:1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch4:1(config)#boot config flags dvr-leaf-mode Switch4:1(config)#save config Switch4:1(config)#reset
Configure switch with IP address as DvR Leaf 1; verify the configuration.
Switch3:1(config)#dvr Leaf 9 Switch3:1(config)#show dvr ========================================================================= DVR Summary Info ========================================================================= Domain ID : 9 Domain ISID : 16678219 Role : Leaf My SYS ID : 00:bb:00:00:80:05 Operational State : Up GW MAC : 00:00:5e:00:01:25 Inband Mgmt Clip IP : Virtual Ist local address : Virtual Ist local subnet mask : Virtual Ist peer address : Virtual Ist cluster-id : Virtual Ist ISID :
Configure switch with IP address as DvR Leaf 2; verify the configuration.
Switch4:1(config)#dvr Leaf 9 Switch4:1(config)#show dvr ========================================================================= DVR Summary Info ========================================================================= Domain ID : 9 Domain ISID : 16678219 Role : Leaf My SYS ID : 00:bb:00:00:80:05 Operational State : Up GW MAC : 00:00:5e:00:01:25 Inband Mgmt Clip IP : Virtual Ist local address : Virtual Ist local subnet mask : Virtual Ist peer address : Virtual Ist cluster-id : Virtual Ist ISID :
On Leaf node 1 (IP address
Switch3:1(config)#i-sid 20200 elan Switch3:1(elan:20200)#c-vid 200 port 1/2 Switch3:1(config)#exit
View the host connections.
Switch3:1#show dvr host-entries nh-as-mac ============================================================================================================== DVR Host-Entries ============================================================================================================== HOST L3VSN L2VSN DOMAIN IP-ADDRESS MAC-ADDRESS ISID ISID PORT ID TYPE NEXT HOP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:00:00:00:67 0 20200 1/4 9 DYNAMIC 00:bb:00:00:81:21 00:00:00:00:00:68 0 20200 1/2 9 DYNAMIC 00:bb:00:00:81:21 2 out of 2 Total Num of DVR Host Entries displayed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On Leaf node 2 (IP address
Switch4:1(config)#i-sid 20200 elan Switch4:1(elan:20200)#c-vid 200 port 1/2 Switch4:1(config)#exit
View the host connections.
Switch4:1#show dvr host-entries nh-as-mac ============================================================================================================== DVR Host-Entries ============================================================================================================== HOST L3VSN L2VSN DOMAIN IP-ADDRESS MAC-ADDRESS ISID ISID PORT ID TYPE NEXT HOP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:00:00:00:67 0 20200 1/4 9 DYNAMIC 00:bb:00:00:81:21 00:00:00:00:00:68 0 20200 1/2 9 DYNAMIC 00:bb:00:00:81:21 2 out of 2 Total Num of DVR Host Entries displayed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Switch1:1#show dvr members ================================================================================================ DVR Members (Domain ID: 2) ================================================================================================ System Name Nick-Name Nodal MAC Role ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cont-1 0.10.01 00:bb:00:00:01:01 Controller Cont-2 0.10.02 00:bb:00:00:01:02 Controller Leaf1 0.10.04 00:bb:00:00:80:04 Leaf Leaf2 0.10.05 00:bb:00:00:80:05 Leaf 4 out of 4 Total Num of DVR Members displayed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------