Verifying and displaying SSH configuration information

Verify that SSH services are enabled on the switch and display SSH configuration information to ensure that the SSH parameters are properly configured.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. Verify that SSH services are enabled and view the SSH configuration:

    show ssh <global|session>


Display global system SSH information:

Switch:1>show ssh global

Total Active Sessions     : 0
        version                   : v2only
        port                      : 22
        max-sessions              : 4
        timeout                   : 60
        action rsa-host key       : rsa-hostkeysize 2048
        action dsa-host key       : dsa-hostkeysize 1024
        rsa-auth                  : false
        dsa-auth                  : true
        pass-auth                 : true
        keyboard-interactive-auth : false
        sftp enable               : true
        enable                    : true
        authentication-type       : aead-aes-128-gcm-ssh aead-aes-256-gcm-ssh hmac-sha1 hmac-sha2-256
        encryption-type           : 3des-cbc aead-aes-128-gcm-ssh aead-aes-256-gcm-ssh aes128-cbc aes128-ctr
                                    aes192-cbc aes192-ctr aes256-cbc aes256-ctr blowfish-cbc rijndael128-cbc
        key-exchange-method       : diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 diffie-hellman-group14-sha1

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show ssh command.




Display global system SSH information.


Display the current session SSH information.