Configuring a non-DvR BEB to join the DvR backbone

About this task

Configure a non-DvR backbone edge bridge (BEB) to join the DvR backbone so that it can receive redistributed DvR host routes from all DvR Controllers in the SPB network.



On a non-DVR BEB, the redistributed host routes from the DvR backbone are not automatically installed in the IP routing table. To utilize the backbone host routes to optimize traffic forwarding (forwarding in the data plane), you must explicitly configure an IS-IS accept policy with a backbone route policy using the command accept backbone-route-map <route-map-name>, and specifying a suitable route-map to select the list or range of DvR backbone host routes to be installed in the routing table.

For more information on configuring an IS-IS accept policy with a backbone route policy, see Configuring IS-IS Accept Policies.


  1. Enter IS-IS Router Configuration mode:


    configure terminal

    router isis

  2. Configure a non-DvR BEB to join the DvR backbone.

    [no]|[default] backbone enable

  3. Verify the configuration using the following commands.
    • show dvr backbone-members

    • show dvr backbone-members non-dvr-beb

    • show dvr backbone-entries

    • show isis


Switch3:1#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch3:1(config)#router isis
Switch3:1(config-isis)#show dvr 

                                 NON DVR BEB Summary Info
Domain ID                      : 0  
Domain ISID                    : 0  
Backbone ISID                  : 16678216
Role                           : NON DVR BEB       
My SYS ID                      : 00:00:82:84:40:00 
Operational State              : Up         

Configure the non-DvR BEB to join the DvR backbone.

Switch3:1(config-isis)#backbone enable

Verify the configuration. View the DvR backbone members.

Switch3:1(config-isis)#show dvr backbone-members             

                                                DVR BB Members
System Name          Nick-Name     Nodal MAC              Role         Domain Id    Area      Area-Name       
DVR-8284-D2-C1-40    0.82.40       00:00:82:84:40:00      NON-DVR-BEB  9999         HOME      area-0.00.20
DVR-8284-D2-C2-41    0.82.41       00:00:82:84:41:00      Controller   9999         HOME      area-0.00.20       

Home:   2 out of 2 Total Num of DVR Backbone Members displayed
Switch3:1(config-isis)#show dvr backbone-members non-dvr-beb 

                                                DVR BB Members
System Name         Nick-Name      Nodal MAC             Role         Domain Id    Area      Area-Name 
DVR-8284-D2-C1-40   0.82.40        00:00:82:84:40:00     NON-DVR-BEB  9999         HOME      area-0.00.20   

Home: 1 out of 2 Total Num of DVR Backbone Members displayed

View the backbone DvR host routes that the non-DvR BEB receives from other Controllers in the SPB network.

Switch:1(config-isis)#show dvr backbone-entries 

                                                       DVR Backbone-Entries
              HOST                L3VSN    L2VSN      DOMAIN         
IP-ADDRESS    MAC-ADDRESS         ISID     ISID       ID      ADV-CONTROLLER       NEXT HOP            AREA     AREA-NAME    
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      10:cd:ae:70:5d:01   401      10390      200     DVR-8284-D2-C2-41    DVR-8284-D2-C2-41   REMOTE   area-0.00.30      10:cd:ae:70:5d:01   401      10391      200     DVR-8284-D2-C2-41    DVR-8284-D2-C2-41   REMOTE   area-0.00.30      10:cd:ae:70:5d:01   401      10392      200     DVR-8284-D2-C2-41    DVR-8284-D2-C2-41   REMOTE   area-0.00.30      10:cd:ae:70:5d:01   401      10393      200     DVR-8284-D2-C2-41    DVR-8284-D2-C2-41   REMOTE   area-0.00.30      10:cd:ae:70:5d:01   401      10394      200     DVR-8284-D2-C2-41    DVR-8284-D2-C2-41   REMOTE   area-0.00.30      10:cd:ae:70:5d:01   401      10395      200     DVR-8284-D2-C2-41    DVR-8284-D2-C2-41   REMOTE   area-0.00.30

Remote: 6 out of 427 Total Num of DVR Backbone Routes displayed

View the IS-IS related information.

Switch3:1(config-isis)#show isis

                               ISIS General Info
                            AdminState : enabled
                            RouterType : Level 1
                             System ID : 00bb.0000.8121
                  Max LSP Gen Interval : 900
                                Metric : wide
                   Overload-on-startup : 20
                              Overload : false
                         Csnp Interval : 10
                         PSNP Interval : 2
                     Rxmt LSP Interval : 5
                             spf-delay : 100
                           Router Name : router_r1
                     ip source-address :
                   ipv6 source-address :
              ip tunnel source-address :
                            Tunnel vrf :
                              ONA Port :
                         ip tunnel mtu :
                     Num of Interfaces : 3
                 Num of Area Addresses : 1
                   Inband Mgmt Clip IP :
                              backbone :enabled
              Dynamically Learned Area : 00.0000.0000
                            FAN Member : No
                         Hello Padding : enabled
                  Multi-Area OperState : disabled