Use this procedure to verify detailed FAN Transit information of a switch acting as a transit node in a FAN. Transit nodes are not members of the FAN and only forward FAN traffic.
This procedure also includes verification on the FAN member nodes.
Verification on FAN member nodes:
show isis
show isis lsdb local tlv 147 detail
show isis spbm multicast-fib
l2 tracetree-fan
show isis spbm unicast-tree <2-4059>
Verification on the transit node:
show isis
show isis lsdb local tlv 147 detail
show isis spbm multicast-fib
Use the following example to verify FAN Transit information on a transit node between two end-point SPB nodes, BEB-A and BEB-B.
Verification on BEB-A:
You can execute the following commands on either BEB-A or BEB-B. The following example displays the sample outputs for BEB-A.
Verify that BEB-A is a member of the FAN. The FAN Member attribute displays as Yes.
BEB-A:1#show isis ======================================================================================== ISIS General Info ======================================================================================== AdminState : enabled RouterType : Level 1 System ID : b0ad.aa41.9c84 Max LSP Gen Interval : 900 Metric : wide Overload-on-startup : 20 Overload : false Csnp Interval : 10 PSNP Interval : 2 Rxmt LSP Interval : 5 spf-delay : 100 Router Name : BEB-A ip source-address : ipv6 source-address : ip tunnel source-address : Tunnel vrf : ip tunnel mtu : Num of Interfaces : 1 Num of Area Addresses : 1 inband-mgmt-ip : backbone : disabled Dynamically Learned Area : 00.0000.0000 FAN Member : Yes
Verify that BEB-A signals FAN membership. FAN membership is signaled when TLV 147 displays the FAN multicast address.
BEB-A:1#show isis lsdb local tlv 147 detail ====================================================================================== ISIS LSDB (DETAIL) ====================================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level-1 LspID: b0ad.aa41.9c84.00-00 SeqNum: 0x00000010 Lifetime: 412 Chksum: 0xac95 PDU Length: 122 Host_name: BEB-A Attributes: IS-Type 1 TLV:147 Chassis MAC: b0:ad:aa:41:9c:00 TLV:147 FAN Mcast Addr: b1:ad:aa:41:9c:84
Verify that BEB-A creates FAN multicast FIB entries for itself and other FAN nodes on I-SID 16777001:
BEB-A:1#show isis spbm multicast-fib ======================================================================================================== SPBM MULTICAST FIB ENTRY INFO ======================================================================================================== MCAST DA ISID BVLAN SYSID HOST-NAME OUTGOING-INTERFACES INCOMING INTERFACE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65:6a:52:ce:04:84 16777001 4058 646a.52ce.0484 BEB-B 3/20 65:6a:52:ce:04:84 16777001 4059 646a.52ce.0484 BEB-B /20 b1:ad:aa:41:9c:84 16777001 4058 b0ad.aa41.9c84 BEB-A 3/20 cpp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total number of SPBM MULTICAST FIB entries 3
Verify that the transit node is in the SPB path between the FAN end-points BEB-A and BEB-B. 4058 and 4059 are the SPB B-VIDs.
You can view the SPB B-VIDs by executing the command show isis spbm.
BEB-A:1#show isis spbm unicast-tree 4058 Node:646a.52ce.0484 (BEB-B) -> Node:f873.a202.53df (TRANSIT) -> ROOT Node:f873.a202.53df (TRANSIT) -> ROOT
BEB-A:1#show isis spbm unicast-tree 4059 Node:646a.52ce.0484 (BEB-B) -> Node:f873.a202.53df (TRANSIT) -> ROOT Node:f873.a202.53df (TRANSIT) -> ROOT
Verify that the transit node is a part of the FAN tree:
BEB-A:1#l2 tracetree-fan Please wait for l2tracetree to complete or press any key to abort l2tracetree to b1:ad:aa:41:9c:84, vlan 4058 i-sid 16777001 nickname 0.11.03 hops 64 1 BEB-A b0:ad:aa:41:9c:84 -> TRANSIT f8:73:a2:02:53:df 2 TRANSIT f8:73:a2:02:53:df -> BEB-B 64:6a:52:ce:04:84
Verification on the Transit node:
Verify that the transit node is not a member of the FAN. The FAN Member parameter does not display.
TRANSIT:1#show isis ==================================================================================== ISIS General Info ==================================================================================== AdminState : enabled RouterType : Level 1 System ID : f873.a202.53df Max LSP Gen Interval : 900 Metric : wide Overload-on-startup : 20 Overload : false Csnp Interval : 10 PSNP Interval : 2 Rxmt LSP Interval : 5 spf-delay : 100 Router Name : TRANSIT ip source-address : ip tunnel source-address : Tunnel vrf : ip tunnel mtu : Num of Interfaces : 2 Num of Area Addresses : 1 inband-mgmt-ip : backbone : disabled Hello Padding : enabled Multi-Area OperState : disabled
Verify that the transit node does not signal FAN membership on TLV 147. The FAN Mcast Addr parameter is not displayed.
TRANSIT:1#show isis lsdb local tlv 147 detail ======================================================================================== ISIS LSDB (DETAIL) ======================================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level-1 LspID: f873.a202.53df.00-00 SeqNum: 0x00000013 Lifetime: 1149 Chksum: 0x424d PDU Length: 135 Host_name: TRANSIT Attributes: IS-Type 1 TLV:147 Chassis MAC: f8:73:a2:02:50:00
Verify the transit node creates the FAN Multicast FIB entries for the FAN end-points on I-SID 16777001.
TRANSIT:1#show isis spbm multicast-fib ======================================================================================================== SPBM MULTICAST FIB ENTRY INFO ======================================================================================================== MCAST DA ISID BVLAN SYSID HOST-NAME OUTGOING-INTERFACES INCOMING INTERFACE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65:6a:52:ce:04:84 16777001 4058 646a.52ce.0484 BEB-B 5/20 5/9 65:6a:52:ce:04:84 16777001 4059 646a.52ce.0484 BEB-B 5/20 5/9 b1:ad:aa:41:9c:84 16777001 4058 b0ad.aa41.9c84 BEB-A 5/9 5/20 b1:ad:aa:41:9c:84 16777001 4059 b0ad.aa41.9c84 BEB-A 5/9 5/20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total number of SPBM MULTICAST FIB entries 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------