Enable the Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) instance on the remote Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) interfaces.
default isis remote spbm <1-100> interface-type
default isis remote spbm <1-100> l1-metric
isis remote spbm <1-100>
isis remote spbm <1-100> interface-type { broadcast | pt-pt }
isis remote spbm <1-100> l1-metric <1-16777215>
no isis remote spbm <1-100>
no isis remote spbm <1-100> interface-type
no isis remote spbm <1-100> l1-metric
The default is none.
GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration
This command does not apply to all hardware platforms. For more information about feature support, see Fabric Engine Feature Support Matrix.