HTTP header

HTTP header fields are components of the message header of a request and response in HTTP.

They define the operating parameters and are name/value pairs that appear in both request and response messages. The name of the header is separated from the value by a single colon.

The following table contains the supported HTTP methods for the media types.

Table 1. Methods and supported media types
Method Media types
HEAD Supports all media types for this method
OPTIONS Supports all media types for this method
GET Supports all media types for this method
POST application/vnd.configuration.resource+xml




PUT application/vnd.configuration.resource+xml


PATCH application/vnd.configuration.resource+xml


DELETE application/vnd.configuration.resource+xml


For more information about the media types, refer to the Media types section.

Request header

Standard request header: The supported standard request headers are:
  • Cache-Control
  • Date
  • Authorization
  • Accept-Charset
  • Accept-Encoding
  • Accept-Language
  • Connection
  • Host
  • Accept
  • User-Agent
  • Content-Length


All Extreme REST API requests that return data support the XML and JASON format.

Custom request header: The following headers are supported to facilitate the retrieval, datastore information, and API versioning.

Header name Description Header value; Methods; Media types
Resource-Depth Used in the client request to inform the server to retrieve the nested child resources in the same response as inline data. Header value: <1 - 64>

Methods: GET

Media types: All

Default value: 3

Request Body with Resource-Depth =1

curl -k -X GET -H 'Accept: application/vnd.operational-state.resource+xml' 
	-H 'Resource-Depth: 1' -u "admin:password"

Response Body

<data xmlns="" xmlns:y="" y:self="/rest/operational-state">
<mem-state xmlns="" y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state">
  <summary y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state/summary">
  <mem-list y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state/mem-list">
    <memory-per-process y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state/mem-list/memory-per-process/5923">
    <memory-per-process y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state/mem-list/memory-per-process/3872">


The <memory-per-process> section only shows the <memory-process-id> for each proccess. However, by using the Resource-Depth header and specifying a deeper depth, it is possible to get all the information for the proccesses in a single call.

Request Body with Resource-Depth =2

curl -k -X GET -H 'Accept: application/vnd.operational-state.resource+xml' 
	-H 'Resource-Depth: 2' -u "admin:password"

Response Body

<data xmlns="" xmlns:y="" y:self="/rest/operational-state">
<mem-state xmlns="" y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state">
  <summary y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state/summary">
  <mem-list y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state/mem-list">
    <memory-per-process y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state/mem-list/memory-per-process/5923">
    <memory-per-process y:self="/rest/operational-state/mem-state/mem-list/memory-per-process/3872">


The response data has all the information present in the CLI command show proccess memory for each process.

Response headers

Standard response header: The following are the supported standard response headers:



All Extreme REST API requests that return data support the XML and JSON format.

With-default header

The with-default header takes value all . This is used to get the running configuration of the configured along with default values of unconfigured resource. The following is an example of the with-default header.

Request Body

curl -v -X GET -u admin:password https://host/rest/config/running/router/mpls 
-H "Resource-Depth: 10" -k -H "With-Default: all" 

Response body

<mpls xmlns="" xmlns:y="" 
  <lsp-xc-traps y:self="/rest/config/running/router/mpls/lsp-xc-traps">
    <enable default="true" ></enable>
  <lsp y:self="/rest/config/running/router/mpls/lsp/lsp1">