Buffered Log

The log messages the device generates in response to events, faults, errors, and configuration changes are stored locally on the device in the RAM (cache). This collection of log files is called the RAM log or buffered log. When the buffered log file reaches the configured maximum size, the oldest message is deleted from the RAM when a new message is added. If the system restarts, all messages are cleared.

To access the Buffered Log page, click System > Logs > Buffered Log in the navigation menu.

Click to expand in new window

Buffered Log Fields

Field Description
Log Index The position of the entry within the buffered log file. The most recent log message always has a Log Index value of 1.
Log Time The time the entry was added to the log.
Severity The severity level associated with the log entry. The severity can be one of the following:
  • emergency (0): The device is unusable.
  • alert (1): Action must be taken immediately.
  • critical (2): The device is experiencing primary system failures.
  • error (3): The device is experiencing non-urgent failures.
  • warning (4): The device is experiencing conditions that could lead to system errors if no action is taken.
  • notice (5): The device is experiencing normal but significant conditions.
  • info (6): The device is providing non-critical information.
  • debug (7): The device is providing debug-level information.
Component The component that issued the log entry.
Description The text description for the log entry.

Click Refresh to update the screen and associated messages.