Configuring BFD

The following command sequence enables BFD and configures session parameters:

  1. First, globally enable BFD:
    (Router) (Config)# feature bfd
  2. Configure session settings. These can be configured globally or on a per-interface basis.
    (Router) (Config)#bfd interval 100 min_rx 200 multiplier 5
    (Router) (Config)#bfd slow-timer 1000
    • The argument interval refers to the desired minimum transmit interval, the minimum interval that the user wants to use while transmitting BFD control packets (in ms).
    • The argument min_rx refers to the required minimum receive interval, the minimum interval at which the system can receive BFD control packets (in ms).
    • The argument multiplier specifies the number of BFD control packets to be missed in a row to declare a session down.
    • The slow-timer command sets up the BFD required echo receive interval preference value (in ms). This value determines the interval the asynchronous sessions use for BFD control packets when the echo function is enabled. The slow-timer value is used as the new control packet interval, while the echo packets use the configured BFD intervals.
  3. Configure BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to use BFD for fast detection of faults between neighboring devices. A neighboring device IP address
    (Router) (Config)#router bgp
    (Router) (Config-router)# neighbor fall-over bfd
    (Router) (Config-router)# exit