Set the dot1qVlanStaticRowStatus object to ‘CreateandGo (4)‘ to create a VLAN. If the other parameters are not specified, simply specifying the dot1qVlanIndex and dot1qVlanStaticRowStatus is sufficient to create the VLAN.
The full path to the object is iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).mgmt(2).mib-2(1).dot1dBridge(17).qBridgeMIB(7). qBridgeMIBObjects(1).dot1qVlan(4).dot1qVlanStaticTable(3).dot1qVlanStaticEntry(1).dot1qVlanStaticRowStatus(5).
For example, if the switch has 12 ports and we want to add ports 1 and 4 in the VLAN and exclude all other ports, then the bit mask in hex will be 0x50 0x00.