DAI Interface Configuration

Use the DAI Interface Configuration page to select the DAI Interface for which information is to be displayed or configured.

To display this page, click Switching > Dynamic ARP Inspection > Interface Configuration in the navigation menu.

Click to expand in new window

Dynamic ARP Inspection Interface Configuration

Field Description
Interface The interface associated with the rest of the data in the row. In the Edit Interface Configuration window, this field identifies the interface that is being configured.
Trust State Whether the DAI feature should check traffic on the interface for possible ARP packet violations. Trust state can be enabled or disabled after you select an interface and click Edit. This field has one of the following values:
  • Enabled: The interface is trusted. ARP packets arriving on this interface are forwarded without DAI validation.
  • Disabled: The interface is not trusted. ARP packets arriving on this interface are subjected to ARP inspection.
Rate Limit The maximum rate for incoming ARP packets on the interface, in packets per second (pps). If the incoming rate exceeds the configured limit, the ARP packets are dropped. Rate limiting can be enabled or disabled after you select an interface and click Edit.
Burst Interval The number of consecutive seconds the interface is monitored for incoming ARP packet rate limit violations.
Rate Limiting Select this option to allow the interface to drop ARP packets if the rate at which they are received on the interface exceeds the configured Rate Limit for the Burst Interval duration. If this option is clear, rate limiting is disabled.