Third-party AP WLAN Service Type

For more information, see Working with Third-party APs.

A third-party AP WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) Service allows for the specification of a segregated subnet by which non-Extreme Networks ExtremeWireless APs are used to provide RF services to users while still utilizing the controller for user authentication and user role enforcement.



Third-party AP devices are not fully integrated with the system and therefore must be managed individually to provide the correct user access characteristics.

The definition of third-party AP identification parameters allows the system to be able to differentiate the third-party AP device (and corresponding traffic) from user devices on that segment. Devices identified as third-party APs are considered pre-authenticated, and are not required to complete the corresponding authentication verification stages defined for users in that segment (typically Captive Portal enforcement).

In addition, third-party APs have a specific set of filters (third-party) applied to them by default, which allows the administrator to provide different traffic access restrictions to the third-party AP devices for the users that use those resources. The third-party filters could be used to allow access to third-party APs management operations (for example, HTTP, SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)).