Using Topology Group Algorithm

Tunneled station traffic is forwarded from the AP to the controller as if the groups were plain topologies. The controller provides minimum support to use only tunneled topology groups (B@AC, routed). The controller will run the Topology Group Algorithm and will not forward the mapping table to the AP.

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Topology Group Algorithm

The following algorithms are available for selecting a member topology from a Topology Group:

  • MAC-Based: This algorithm always assigns a client to the same topology within the topology group.
  • Round Robin: The list is considered ordered; start at the top of the list. The next assignment is the next topology on the list; wrap around at the bottom.
  • Random Selected: Random number selected from a uniform distribution mod the number of topologies in the topology group.
  • Least Used: Assign a topology in the topology group with the least number of stations assigned to it at the moment of assignment.