Viewing Existing Scan Profiles

  1. From the top menu, click Radar.
  2. If not already selected, select Security Analysis Engine and click Save.
  3. In the left pane, click Scan Profiles.
    The Scan Profiles screen displays.
    Click to expand in new window
    In-Service Scan Profiles
    Click to expand in new window

    Scan Profiles - Fields and Buttons

    Field/Button Description
    Name The name of the scan profile.
    Profile In-Service or Guardian.
    Security Scan Indicates whether the profile enables security scanning on APs assigned to the profile.
    Click to expand in new window

    Indicates that the scan profile enables security scanning.

    Click to expand in new window

    Indicates that the scan profile does not enable security scanning.

    Interference Scan Interference classification compares patterns in RF interference to known interference patterns to help identify the source of the interference.
    Click to expand in new window

    Indicates that the interference scan classification is enabled on specific APs assigned to the profile.

    Click to expand in new window

    Indicates that the interference scan classification is not enabled on specific APs assigned to the profile.

    Status Enabled: Indicates that the scan profile is enabled (for example, whether the APs assigned to the profile are scanning in accordance with the profile). Scan profiles are Enabled if either security scanning or interference scanning is enabled.
    Disabled: Indicates that the scan profile is disabled. A disabled profile means the profile is defined but any APs assigned to the profile are not performing scans.
    New Click to create a new scan profile (see Adding a New Scan Profile).
    Delete Selected Click to delete the selected scan profile.