A GuestPortal provides wireless device users with temporary guest network services. A GuestPortal is serviced by a GuestPortal-dedicated VNS. A controller is allowed only one GuestPortal-dedicated VNS at a time. GuestPortal user accounts are administered by a GuestPortal manager. A GuestPortal manager is a login group — GuestPortal managers must have their accounts created for them on the controller. For more information, see Working with GuestPortal Administration
The GuestPortal VNS is a Captive Portal authentication-based VNS that uses a database on the controller for managing user accounts. The database is administered through a simple, user-friendly graphic user interface that can be used by non-technical staff.
The GuestPortal VNS can be a Routed or a Bridge Traffic Locally at the EWC VNS, with SSID-based network assignment. The GuestPortal VNS is a simplified VNS. It does not support the following:
The GuestPortal VNS can be created as a new VNS or can be configured from an already existing VNS. When you create a new VNS using the VNS wizard, you configure the VNS in the following stages:
Use the following high-level description to set up a GuestPortal on your system:
For more information, see the Extreme Networks ExtremeWireless Maintenance Guide.