APs operating in both fit mode and standalone mode operate in a cluster setup. A cluster is a group of APs configured to communicate with each other. Mobile users (MU) can seamlessly roam between the APs participating in the cluster. Wireless APs extend basic cluster functions with the following enhancements:
APs operating on the same subnet with multicast and IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) snooping enabled can be formed into a cluster. You assign each AP a common, default cluster ID (shared secret).
An AP cluster can exist at any point in your network. Each cluster member periodically (every 30 seconds) sends a secure SIAPP (Siemens Inter-AP Protocol) multicast message to update other cluster members. The SIAPP message includes:
Each AP caches locally-stored information about the other cluster members and maintains its own view of the cluster including the client session information in the Site.
To Change an AP Cluster‘s Configuration: