The auto-provisioning process is first initiated through the default VLAN (Virtual LAN) (bound to VR-Default).
After three unsuccessful attempts to reach the network, the switch waits for 15 seconds before it switches over to the Mgmt VLAN (bound to VR-Mgmt). It continues this process until it reaches the network.
You can use the show log command to view the exact problem reported.
An SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) trap is sent out for these conditions when the SNMP-Trap-IP code (code 102) is configured in the DHCP server. The SNMP trap is not sent out when the DHCP server is unreachable.
When these conditions occur, the switch continues to retry to reach the network and remains in an “In Progress” state.
When there is a system error or internal problem, the switch moves to an auto-provision “Failed” state. The switch does not retry the auto-provisioning process once it has reached the “Failed” state.
Once the network is reached, the switch receives and configures the IP address and the gateway. The switch then executes the configuration file (.cfg or .xsf file), sends the trap to inform the user of the successful auto-provisioning (only when the SNMP-Trap-IP code, code 102, is configured), and reboots for the new configuration to take effect.
Following is the mandatory DHCP option configuration used for auto provision to work:
The file uploaded to the TFTP server using the upload configuration command is an .xsf file extension configuration. An .cfg file extension configuration is created using the tftp put command.
Configuration changes made to the switch when auto provisioning is in progress will be appended if auto provisioning uses an .xsf file extension configuration, and it will be discarded if auto provisioning uses a .cfg file extension configuration.