The repository server setup for this topology is the same for NMS server authentication and network authentication. The following shows the FTP server setup:
FTP login: anonymous Password: "" (no password) Repository directory path: pub [root@linux pub]# pwd /var/ftp/pub
The following is an example MANIFEST file: 2011-05-11 18:57:00 vpp.vpp 2011-05-11 18:57:00 nvpp1.pol 2011-05-11 18:57:00 nevpp1.pol 2011-05-11 18:57:00 nvpp2.pol 2011-05-11 18:57:00 nevpp2.pol 2011-05-11 18:57:00
The following is an example VMMAP file named
<VMLIST> <VM> <MAC>00:04:96:27:C8:23</MAC> <NAME>vm_1</NAME> <IPV4></IPV4> <VPP>nvpp1</VPP> <CTag>1000</CTag> <VRName>Vr-Default</VRName> </VM> <VM> <MAC>00:04:96:27:C8:24</MAC> <NAME>vm_2</NAME> <IPV4></IPV4> <VPP>nvpp2</VPP> </VM> </VMLIST>
The following is an example VPP file named vpp.vpp:
<vppList> <vpp> <name>nvpp1</name> <last-updated>2011-05-30T09:00:00</last-updated> <policy> <name>nvpp1.pol</name> <direction>ingress</direction> <order>1</order> </policy> <policy> <name>nevpp1.pol</name> <direction>egress</direction> <order>1</order> <CTag>1000</CTag> <VRName>Vr-Default</VRName> </policy> </vpp> <vpp> <name>nvpp2</name> <last-updated>2011-05-30T09:00:00</last-updated> <policy> <name>nvpp2.pol</name> <direction>ingress</direction> <order>1</order> </policy> <policy> <name>nevpp2.pol</name> <direction>egress</direction> <order>1</order> </policy> </vpp> </vppList>
The following is the nvpp1.pol file:
entry nvpp1 { if match all { ethernet-destination-address 00:04:96:00:00:00 / ff:ff:ff:00:00:00 ; } then { deny ; count host1 } }
The following is the nvpp2.pol file:
entry nvpp2 { if match all { ethernet-destination-address 00:04:97:00:00:00 / ff:ff:ff:00:00:00 ; } then { deny ; count host2 } }
The following is the nevpp1.pol file:
entry nevpp1 { if match all { ethernet-source-address 00:04:96:00:00:00 / ff:ff:ff:00:00:00 ; } then { deny ; count h1 } }
The following is the nevpp2.pol file:
entry nevpp2 { if match all { ethernet-source-address 00:04:97:00:00:00 / ff:ff:ff:00:00:00 ; } then { deny ; count h2 } }