Cloning from Standalone to a Stack

You can easily add or replace a switch in a stack using the script.

When cloning to become a stacking member, additional NVRAM attributes are copied:
  • Stacking enabled
  • Stack MAC address
  • Slot number—either provided or derived from the stacking master
  • Switch's master-capable status—using the –m option when running sets the standalone switch to be master-capable.


Cloning to a standalone switch using a stacking master as the source does not make the standalone switch a stacking master. The configuration cloned from a stacking master to the standalone switch is ignored by ExtremeXOS.
To clone from a standalone to a stack:
  1. On the stack master, run the command run script master. The following appears: is started as cloning master
    Use "stop" option to stop cloning master services
  2. Ensure that the standalone switch has an IP address or DHCP. See Zero Touch Provisioning (Auto Configuration).
  3. On the standalone switch, configure the switch's stacking-support options so that stacking connectivity is ready once the switch becomes stacking enabled. Run the command enable stacking-support.


    You must perform this step before cloning the standalone switch. If the switch is cloned as a stacking standby switch, console login and configuration options require contacting a stack master for user authentication. If the stacking links are not configured correctly, then only failsafe login is available.
  4. On the standalone switch, confirm that the stacking links are configured correctly. Run the command show stacking. The following should appear (see bold text):
    # show stacking
    Stack Topology is a Ring
    This node is not in an Active Topology
    Node MAC Address    Slot  Stack State  Role     Flags
    ------------------  ----  -----------  -------  ---
    *00:04:96:98:94:d3  -     Disabled     Master   --- <-This is the standalone switch
     00:04:96:98:87:3a  4     Active       Standby  --O
     0e:00:00:00:00:85  5     Active       Standby  --O
     00:04:96:98:87:54  6     Active       Standby  --O
     0e:00:00:00:00:84  7     Active       Standby  --O
     00:04:96:14:0b:03  8     Active       Backup   --O
     00:04:96:14:0b:04  1     Active       Standby  --O
     0e:00:00:00:00:83  2     Active       Master   --O
    * - Indicates this node
    Flags:  (C) Candidate for this active topology, (A) Active Node
            (O) node may be in Other active topology
  5. On the standalone switch, run the command run script from ipaddress -s STACKING_SLOT-M, where:
    • ipaddress is the IP address of the stack master.
    • STACKING_SLOT is the slot number. Use 0 (zero) to have the switch given the lowest available slot number.
    • -M enable this switch to be master-capable.
    The following appears:
    # run script from -s 0
    +                               C A U T I O N                                +
    +         Cloning will replace the EXOS partitions and configuration         +
    +     on this switch with the contents of the master switch      +
    +                                                                            +
    +                                  STACKING                                  +
    +      You have requested this switch to be cloned to stack      +
    +         Switches have a variety of stacking cabling options. See:          +
    +                                                                            +
    +                       configure stacking-support ...                       +
    +                                    and                                     +
    +                          enable stacking-support                           +
    +                                                                            +
    +   The stacking-support options MUST already be configured before cloning   +
    +                  for stack connectivity to work correctly                  +
    Do you want to continue cloning? [y/N]: y is started as cloning client.
    This switch will become a copy of
    DO NOT REMOVE POWER or REBOOT the switch until the operation is COMPLETE
    * # Starting cloning process
    Starting cloning process
    Transfering EXOS partitions and configuration
    Transferring active EXOS partition.......
    Updating active partition
    Transferring inactive EXOS partition...............
    Transferring /usr/local/cfg directory....Transfering NVRAM information from master switch
    Transfering control information from master switch
    Transfering stacking information from master switch
    Using first available slot 3
    Rebooting to master switch configuration
    You may need to adjust any IP addresses that may have been copied from the master switch
    *   Cloning COMPLETE   *
    Rebooting ...
    reboot: Restarting system
    Copyright 2014 Extreme Networks, Inc.
    Starting CRC of Default image
    Using Default image ...
    Copyright 2014 Extreme Networks, Inc.
    Press and hold the <spacebar> to enter the bootrom:  0
    Loading Primary OS Image
    Starting ExtremeXOS 22.2.0b38
    Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Extreme Networks.  All rights reserved.
    This product is protected by one or more US patents listed at along with their foreign counterparts.
     ______      _
    |  ____|    | |
    | |__  __  _| |_ _ __ ___ _ __ ___   ___
    |  __| \ \/ / __| '__/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \
    | |____ >  <| |_| | |  __/ | | | | |  __/
    |______/_/\_\\__|_|  \___|_| |_| |_|\___|
     _   _      _                      _
    | \ | |    | |                    | |
    |  \| | ___| |___      _____  _ __| | _____
    | . ` |/ _ \ __\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / __|
    | |\  |  __/ |_ \ V  V / (_) | |  |   <\__ \
    |_| \_|\___|\__| \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\___/
    (pending-AAA) login:
    Authentication Service (AAA) on the master node is now available for login.
    Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Extreme Networks. All rights reserved.
    This product is protected by one or more US patents listed at along with their foreign counterparts.
    You are connected to a Standby node.  Only a limited command set is supported.
    You may use "telnet slot <slot_number>" to connect to the Master node to access
    the full set of commands.
    You are connected to a standby stack node's serial port.
    Use "telnet slot <slot_number>" to connect to another node.
    Press the <tab> or '?' key at any time for completions.
    Remember to save your configuration changes.
    * Slot-3 Stack.1 > show stacking
    Stack Topology is a Ring
    Active Topology is a Ring
    Node MAC Address    Slot  Stack State  Role     Flags
    ------------------  ----  -----------  -------  ---
    *00:04:96:98:94:d3  3     Active       Standby  CA-
     00:04:96:98:87:3a  4     Active       Standby  CA-
     0e:00:00:00:00:85  5     Active       Standby  CA-
     00:04:96:98:87:54  6     Active       Standby  CA-
     0e:00:00:00:00:84  7     Active       Standby  CA-
     00:04:96:14:0b:03  8     Active       Backup   CA-
     00:04:96:14:0b:04  1     Active       Standby  CA-
     0e:00:00:00:00:83  2     Active       Master   CA-
    * - Indicates this node
    Flags:  (C) Candidate for this active topology, (A) Active Node
            (O) node may be in Other active topology
    * Slot-3 Stack.2 >