Event messages are made up of a number of items. The individual items can be formatted; however, EMS does not allow you to vary the order of the items.
Using the default format for the session target, an example log message might appear as:
06/25/2004 22:49:10.63 <Info:dm.Info> MSM-A: PowerSupply:4 Powered On
If you set the current session format using the following command:
configure log target session format timestamp seconds date mm-dd-yyyy event-name component
The same example would appear as:
06/25/2004 22:49:10 <dm> PowerSupply:4 Powered On
configure log target session format timestamp hundredths date mmm-dd event-name condition process-name source-line
The same example then appears as:
Jun 25 22:49:10.63 <dm.info> devmgr: (dm.c:134) PowerSupply:4 Powered On