Management Address TLV

The management address TLV advertises the IP address of the management VLAN (Virtual LAN). If the management VLAN does not have an assigned IP address, the management address TLV advertises the system‘s MAC address, unless another VLAN's IP address is specified. LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) does not recognize IPv6 addresses in this field.

To specify a VLAN IP address, other than the Management VLAN, for advertisement as the management address, use the following command:

configure lldp management-address [[[{vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_id] {primary-ip | secondary-ip secondary_ip_address}] | mac-address]

To turn on or off advertisement of the management address TLV, use the following command:

configure lldp ports [all | port_list] [advertise | no-advertise] management-address



The ExtremeXOS software sends only one management address.