Per virtual network and per remote endpoint counters are supported. Both byte and packet counts are available.
Virtual network counters display the sum of all counters from all remote endpoints associated with the virtual network. Packets that arrived encapsulated on the VXLAN network port are counted on the virtual network as Rx bytes/packets (network side), and also, are counted as Tx bytes/packets (access side). For example, if 10 packets are received from remote endpoint on virtual network vnet44, Rx Frames are 10, since 10 frames are received on the virtual network from the network interface (VXLAN encapsulated packets). Also, TX frames are 10, since 10 frames are transmitted on the virtual network tenant interface (native, non-VXLAN encapsulated packets). Similarly, on the other direction.
Remote endpoint counters display the sum of all counters from all virtual networks associated with the remote endpoint. Currently, it is not possible to display the counters for a given virtual network/remote endpoint pair.