Meter and Flood Limitations

Port-Meter Out-of-profile Limitations

The CoS (Class of Service) MIB supports an out-of-profile status and counter for each per-port meter on each port. On all 16.1 supported platforms, the hardware only supports a global counter for each per-port meter. The out-of-profile status is supported for each per-port meter on each port; however, the status is only valid while the meter is out-of-profile. When the per-port meter rate is no longer exceeded, the out-of-profile status is automatically cleared in the hardware. The ability to detect an out-of-profile per-port meter on a given port is dependent on the out-of-profile status of the per-port meter at the time of the software polling interval.

Due to this limitation, the out-of-profile actions can only accurately be performed if the exceeded per-port meter rate is sustained for the duration of the software polling interval. Any change in the global out-of-profile counter for the per-port meter will be evenly distributed between the ports that indicate an out-of-profile status at the time of the software polling interval. This should give a rough approximation of the out-of-profile count of the per-port meter on each port.

Flood Out-of-profile Limitations

The CoS MIB supports an out-of-profile status and counter on each port for each flood type (unknown unicast, multicast, and broadcast). On all ExtremeXOS 16.1 supported platforms, the hardware only supports a single counter and status per port for all flood types. Any out-of-profile actions configured for one flood type on a given port will be performed if any flood type is out-of-profile on that port. The out-of-profile counter will be the aggregate count of all flood types on a given port.