Relative Route Priorities

Relative Route Priorities lists the relative priorities assigned to routes depending on the learned source of the route.



Although these priorities can be changed, do not attempt any manipulation unless you are expertly familiar with the possible consequences.
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Relative Route Priorities

Route Origin Priority
Direct 10
BlackHole 50
Static 1100
HostMobility 1150
ICMP 1200
Fabric 1699
OSPFv3Intra 2200
OSPFv3Inter 2300
IS-IS 2350
IS-IS L1 2360
IS-IS L2 2370
RIPng 2400
OSPFv3 ASExt 3100
OSPFv3 Extern1 3200
OSPFv3 Extern2 3300
IS-IS L1Ext 3400
IS-IS L2Ext 3500
EBGP 1700
IBGP 1900

To change the relative route priority, use the following command:

configure iproute ipv6 priority [ripng | blackhole | icmp | host-mobility | static | ospfv3-intra | ospfv3-inter | ospfv3-as-external | ospfv3-extern1 | ospfv3-extern2 | isis |isis-leve1-1 | isis-level-2 | isis-level-1-external | isis-level-2-external | ebgp | ibgp] priority {vr vr_name}

Route priority configurable value is between 11-65,534.