If you run the diagnostic routine, the switch reboots and then performs the diagnostic test.
During the test, traffic to and from the ports on the switch is temporarily unavailable. When the diagnostic test is complete, the switch reboots and becomes operational again.
To run the diagnostic routine on the stack ports, you need a dedicated stacking cable that connects stack port 1 to stack port 2, which are located at the rear of the switch. The stacking cable is available from Extreme Networks. The switch performs a hardware test to confirm that the stack ports are operational; traffic to and from the ports on the switch is temporarily unavailable. This Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) provides an analysis of the number of bits transmitted in error.
After the switch runs the diagnostic routine, test results saved to the switch‘s EEPROM and messages are logged to the syslog.
Where the following is true:
extended—Reboots the switch and performs extensive ASIC, ASIC-memory, and packet loopback tests. Extended diagnostic tests take a maximum of five minutes. The CPU is not tested.