To display summary route information, enter the following
show bgp routes {address-family [ipv4-unicast | ipv4-multicast |ipv6-unicast | ipv6-multicast | vpnv4 | ipv4-vxlan]} summary
To display route information and statistics, enter the
following command:
show bgp routes {address-family [ipv4-unicast | ipv4-multicast |ipv6-unicast | ipv6-multicast | ipv4-vxlan]} {detail} [ipv4-vxlan | all | as-path
path-expression | community [no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed | number
community_number | autonomous-system-idbgp-community] | network [any/netMaskLen | networkPrefixFilter]
show bgp routes address-family
vpnv4 {detail} [all | as-path
path-expression | community [no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed | number
community-number |autonomous-system-idbgp-community] |rd
network [any/netMaskLen |networkPrefixFilter]
To display information about routes exchanged with a
neighbor, enter the following command:
show bgp {neighbor} remoteaddr {address-family [ipv4-unicast | ipv4-multicast |ipv6-unicast | ipv6-multicast | ipv4-vxlan]} [accepted-routes | received-routes | rejected-routes | transmitted-routes] {detail} [all | as-path
path-expression | community [no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed | number
community_number | autonomous-system-id : bgp-community] | network [any/netMaskLen | networkPrefixFilter] {exact}]
show bgp {neighbor} remoteaddr
vpnv4 [accepted-routes | received-routes | rejected-routes | transmitted-routes] {detail} [all | as-path
path-expression | community [no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed | number
community_number | autonomous-system-id :bgp-community] | rd
network [any/netMaskLen | networkPrefixFilter]
To display information about suppressed or dampened
routes, enter the following command:
show bgp {neighbor} remoteaddr {address-family [ipv4-unicast | ipv4-multicast |ipv6-unicast | ipv6-multicast | ipv4-vxlan]} [accepted-routes | received-routes | rejected-routes | transmitted-routes] {detail} [all | as-path
path-expression | community [no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed | number
community_number | autonomous-system-id : bgp-community] | network [any/netMaskLen | networkPrefixFilter] {exact}]
show bgp {neighbor} remoteaddr
vpnv4 [flap-statistics | suppressed-routes] {detail} [all | as-path
path-expression | community [no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed | number
community-number | autonomous-system-id : bgp-community] | rd
network [any/
netMaskLen | networkPrefixFilter]