Understanding Stacking Traps

Every stack generates traps that provide status information about switches and stacking ports.

The stack routinely generates the following traps:
  • extremeStackMemberStatusChanged
  • extremeStackMemberSlotId: the slot ID
  • extremeStackMemberOperStatus: the slot state of the switch
When an overheat condition is detected on an active node, the stack generates the following trap when the node reaches a steady state:
  • extremeStackMemberOverheat
When a member is added to or deleted from the stack, or any time the status of a stacking port changes, the change is indicated by means of the following traps:
  • extremeStackingPortStatusChanged
  • IfIndex: Interface Index of the port
  • extremeStackingPortRemoteMac: MAC Address of the remote switch attached to this port
  • extremeStackingPortLinkSpeed: the port's link speed, for example, 100, or 1000 Mbps
  • extremeStackingPortLinkStatus: the status of the link