Creating and Configuring the EAPS Domains

Create the EAPS (Extreme Automatic Protection Switching) domains for each ring (one domain for one edge switch) and configure the EAPS mode.
Define the primary and secondary ports for each domain. In this example, however, the primary port is the same as the common link. One aggregation switch has EAPS mode configured as master and partner, while the other aggregation switch is configured as transit and controller.

EAPS master node configuration:

* AGG-SWITCH#2.1 # create eaps e1-domain
* AGG-SWITCH#2.2 # create eaps e2-domain
* AGG-SWITCH#2.3 # create eaps e3-domain
* AGG-SWITCH#2.4 # create eaps e4-domain
* AGG-SWITCH#2.5 # configure eaps e1-domain mode master
* AGG-SWITCH#2.6 # configure eaps e2-domain mode master
* AGG-SWITCH#2.7 # configure eaps e3-domain mode master
* AGG-SWITCH#2.8 # configure eaps e4-domain mode master
* AGG-SWITCH#2.9 # configure eaps e1-domain primary port 2:1
* AGG-SWITCH#2.10 # configure eaps e1-domain secondary port 1:1
* AGG-SWITCH#2.11 # configure eaps e2-domain primary port 2:1
* AGG-SWITCH#2.12 # configure eaps e2-domain secondary port 1:4
* AGG-SWITCH#2.13 # configure eaps e3-domain primary port 2:1
* AGG-SWITCH#2.14 # configure eaps e3-domain secondary port 3:1
* AGG-SWITCH#2.15 # configure eaps e4-domain primary port 2:1
* AGG-SWITCH#2.16 # configure eaps e4-domain secondary port 3:2

EAPS transit node configuration:

* AGG-SWITCH#1.1 # create eaps e1-domain
* AGG-SWITCH#1.2 # create eaps e2-domain
* AGG-SWITCH#1.3 # create eaps e3-domain
* AGG-SWITCH#1.4 # create eaps e4-domain
* AGG-SWITCH#1.5 # configure eaps e1-domain mode transit
* AGG-SWITCH#1.6 # configure eaps e2-domain mode transit
* AGG-SWITCH#1.7 # configure eaps e3-domain mode transit
* AGG-SWITCH#1.8 # configure eaps e4-domain mode transit
* AGG-SWITCH#1.9 # configure eaps e1-domain primary port 2:1
* AGG-SWITCH#1.10 # configure eaps e1-domain secondary port 1:1
* AGG-SWITCH#1.11 # configure eaps e2-domain primary port 2:1
* AGG-SWITCH#1.12 # configure eaps e2-domain secondary port 1:4
* AGG-SWITCH#1.13 # configure eaps e3-domain primary port 2:1
* AGG-SWITCH#1.14 # configure eaps e3-domain secondary port 3:1
* AGG-SWITCH#1.15 # configure eaps e4-domain primary port 2:1
* AGG-SWITCH#1.16 # configure eaps e4-domain secondary port 3:2