Install the Root CA Certificate

Use the following procedure to install the Root CA certificate obtained offline.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Edit > Diagnostics.
  2. Click System Log.
  3. Click Root Certificate Table tab.
  4. Click Insert.
  5. In the Filename field, enter the filename obtained offline from the CA.
  6. In the Action field, select the action.
  7. Click Insert.

Root Certificate Table field description

Use the data in the following table to use the System Log > Root Certificate Table tab.




Specifies the certificate filename obtained offline from the Root Certificate Authority.


Specifies the action to be performed on Root CA.

  • noaction: No action is performed.

  • install: Installs the Root CA certificate obtained offline.

  • uninstall: Uninstalls the Root CA certificate.

The system displays the Conversion Fail if the execution of the action fails.