Configure the System Log

About this task

Configure the system log to track all user activity on the device. The system log can send messages of up to ten syslog hosts.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Edit > Diagnostics.
  2. Click System Log.
  3. In the System Log tab, select Enable.
  4. Configure the maximum number of syslog hosts.
  5. Configure the IP header type for the syslog packet.
  6. Click Apply.

System Log Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the System Log tab.




Enables or disables the syslog feature. If you select this variable, this feature sends a message to a server on a network that is configured to receive and store diagnostic messages from this device. You can configure the type of messages sent. The default is enabled.


Specifies the maximum number of remote hosts considered active and can receive messages from the syslog service. The range is 0–10 and the default is 5.


Specifies the operational state of the syslog service. The default is active.


Specifies the IP header in syslog packets to circuitlessIP or default.

  • If the value is default, the IP address of the VLAN is used for syslog packets that are transmitted in-band using input/output (I/O) ports.

  • If the value is circuitlessIP, the circuitless IP address is used in the IP header for all syslog messages (in-band or out-of-band). If you configure multiple circuitless IPs, the first circuitless IP configured is used.

The default value is default.