Display MKA Profiles

About this task

Use the following procedure to display information about all MKA profiles configured on the switch. Optionally, you can view information about a specific MKA profile.

About this task



This procedure only applies to VSP 8400 Series.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. Display all MKA profiles on the switch:

    show macsec mka profile

  3. Optional: Display a specific MKA profile:

    show macsec mka profile WORD<1-16>


The following example displays MACsec MKA profile information:

Switch:1#show macsec mka profile

                               MACsec MKA Profile
Profile         Profile    Cipher       Confidentiality   Replay     Window      Port
Name            Id         Suite           Offset         Protect     Size
test030519      1        gcm-aes-128          30           Enabled      200    1/3
test031519      2        gcm-aes-128          50           Enabled      225    1/4
test032019      3        gcm-aes-128          30           Enabled      240    2/2

All 3 out of 3 Total Num of MACsec MKA Profiles displayed

The following example displays MACsec MKA information for a specific profile.

Switch:1#show macsec mka profile test030519

                               MACsec MKA Profile
Profile         Profile    Cipher       Confidentiality   Replay     Window   Port
Name            Id         Suite           Offset         Protect     Size
test030519      1        gcm-aes-128          30           Enabled      200   1/3

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show macsec mka profile command.

Variable Value


Specifies the MKA profile name. An MKA profile name can consist only of alphanumeric characters (0-9, A-Z, and a-z). The profile name is case sensitive.