View Port Egress CoS Queue Statistics

View the port egress CoS queue statistics. The system displays the statistics of the forwarded packets and bytes, and the dropped packets and bytes.

About this task



If you disable rate limiting on queue 6, bandwidth is shared based on the weights from queues 0 through 6. Based on equal weights assigned for queues 4 through 6, equal amounts of traffic egress queues 4 through 6. The system displays Queue 6 to provide much lower throughput than 50% of port bandwidth.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. View the port egress CoS queue statistics:

    show qos cosq-stats interface <PT_PORT>



    The show command output varies based on your hardware platform. On all VSP platforms except the VSP 8600 Series, the show command output displays Out Packets and Out Bytes per interface which shows the number of unicast packets sent out on each queue for an egress port. VSP 8600 Series uses VoQ queuing architecture which enables to read the Accepted Packets and Accepted Bytes on each queue. The Accepted Packets and Accepted Bytes show the number of packets and bytes that enter the VoQ for a particular queue on the egress port. The Drop Packets and Drop Bytes show the number of packets and bytes that are dropped when the VoQ is full.

Variable Definitions

Use the data in the following table to use the show qos cosq-stats interface <PT_PORT> command.




PT indicates the slot number; PORT indicates the port number.