Display Filter Access Control List Configuration

About this task

Perform this procedure to display the filter Access Control List (ACL) configuration on the switch.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. Display filter ACL configuration:

    show filter acl


Switch:1> enable
Switch:1# show filter acl
                               Vlan/VSN ACL Table
Acl  Type    AclName    PktType  State   Origin # of  Default CtrPkt Vlan/I-sid
Id                                              ACEs  Action  Rule   Id
5    Ingress ACL-5      nonipv6 enabled  config  0    permit  permit  
7    Ingress ZTC-1/5    nonipv6 enabled  ztc     0    permit  permit    
15   Ingress ACL-15     nonipv6 enabled  config  0    permit  permit    

                          Vlan ACL Global-Action Table
Acl  Type    Ipfix       Monitor     Monitor     
Id                       Dst-Mlt     Dst-Port    
5    Ingress Disable     0           
7    Ingress Disable     0           
15   Ingress Disable     0           

                                 Port ACL Table
Acl  Type    AclName             PktType State    Origin # of Default CtrPkt Port
Id                                                       ACEs Action  Rule  
1    Ingress ACL-1               nonipv6 enabled  config 0    permit permit  
2    Ingress EapMhmvIn-1/1       nonipv6 enabled  eap    0    permit permit  
3    Egress  EapMhmvOut-1/2      nonipv6 enabled  eap    0    permit permit  
4    Ingress EapMhmvInIpv6-1/3   ipv6    enabled  eap    0    permit permit  
6    Egress  EapMhmvOutIpv6-1/4  ipv6    enabled  eap    0    permit permit  
2048 Ingress ACL-2048            nonipv6 enabled  config 0    permit permit  

                          Port ACL Global-Action Table
Acl  Type    Ipfix       Monitor     Monitor     
Id                       Dst-Mlt     Dst-Port    
1    Ingress Disable     0           
2    Ingress Disable     0           
3    Egress  Disable     0           

4    Ingress Disable     0           
6    Egress  Disable     0           
2048 Ingress Disable     0           

Displayed 9 of 9 Entries