Returning the system to the factory defaults

Return the system to factory defaults. Reset the switch to the default passwords and configuration. If you use this command, the system returns to factory defaults, returns necessary flags to their default values, and deletes all of the configured user accounts in enhanced secure mode.

You can only access this command after you enable enhanced secure mode. Only the individual with the administrator access role can use this command. After the administrator uses this command, the administrator must reboot the switch.



The command sys sys-default does not save the config file. When you execute the command sys sys-default, you must reboot the system to have the command take effect. After the system reboots, you must login and then save the config file. Otherwise, if you reboot the device again for a second time without saving the config file, the changes are not saved and the system comes back up in enhanced secure mode.

Before you begin

  • You must enable enhanced secure mode in either the JITC or non-JITC sub-modes. As a best practice, use the non-JITC sub-mode because the JITC sub-mode is more restrictive and prevents the use of some troubleshooting utilities.

  • Save the configuration to a file to retain the configuration settings.


  1. Enter Global Configuration mode:


    configure terminal

  2. Return the system to the factory defaults:

    sys system-default

  3. Restart the switch:


  4. Save the configuration:

    save config


Return the system to the factory defaults:

Switch:1#configure terminal
Switch:1(config)#sys system-default
WARNING: Executing this command returns the system to factory defaults and deletes all local configured user accounts.
This command needs system reset to take into effect
Do you want to continue (y/n) ? y

The device reboots and the Admin user logs into the system again.

Switch:1(config)#save config