View the MACsec Connectivity Association Details

Perform this procedure to view the MACsec connectivity association (CA) details.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. View the MACsec CA details:

    show macsec connectivity-association [WORD<5–15>]



    This command displays the MACsec CA details, including the MD5 hashed value of the CA key.


View the MACsec connectivity association details:

Switch:1>show macsec connectivity-association
                     MACSEC Connectivity Associations Info

  Connectivity                Connectivity                 AN_Mode /      Port
Association Name          Association Key Hash            TxKeyParity     Members
caname50               ba6b005bef79e7b95f3e08181e2501ce    2AN / NA       1/49
caname51               5b41f44ecaa54f3873e781557b39230b    4AN / odd
caname15               053f26fb96b011191f2da28849f08677    4AN / Even     1/50

Switch:1#show macsec statistics 1/50 secure-channel inbound

                 MACSEC Port Inbound Secure Channel Statistics

           UnusedSA     NoUsingSA       Late         NotValid      Invalid
PortId     Packets      Packets        Packets       Packets       Packets
1/47       0               0               0             0             0

           Delayed     Unchecked        Ok         Octets          Octets
PortId     Packets      Packets        Pkts      Validated       Decrypted
1/47       0               0               1796          0             169282

Switch:1#show macsec statistics 1/50 secure-channel outbound

                 MACSEC Port Outbound Secure Channel Statistics

          Protected      Encrypted      Octets          Octets
PortId     Packets        Packets      Protected       Encrypted
1/47       0               2628            0               277182


For MACsec Key Agreement (MKA) MACsec , the show macsec statistics [{slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}] secure-channel [inbound | outbound] command displays only the statistics for the current Secure Association (SA), instead of displaying the statistics for all SAs created under that Secure Channel.