
Enables recovery from errors due to faulty neighboring radios. Enabling neighbor recovery ensures automatic recovery from failed radios within the radio coverage area. Smart RF instructs neighboring access points to increase their transmit power to compensate for the failed radio. Neighbor recovery is enabled by default when the sensitivity setting is medium.


The neighbor-recovery parameters can be modified only if the sensitivity level is set to ‘custom‘. For more information, see sensitivity.

Supported in the following platforms:


neighbor-recovery {dynamic-sampling|power-hold-time|power-threshold}
neighbor-recovery {dynamic-sampling} {retries <1-10>|threshold <1-30>}
neighbor-recovery {power-hold-time <0-3600>}
neighbor-recovery {power-threshold [2.4Ghz|5Ghz] <-85--55>}


neighbor-recovery {dynamic-sampling} {retries <1-10>|threshold <1-30>}


Optional. Enables dynamic sampling on this Smart RF policy. Dynamic sampling allows you to define how Smart RF adjustments are triggered by locking the ‘retry‘ and ‘threshold‘ values. Dynamic sampling is disabled by default.

retries <1-10>

Optional. Specifies the number of retries before allowing a power level adjustments to compensate for a potential coverage hole.
  • <1-10> – Sets the number of retries from 1 - 10. The default is 3.

threshold <1-30>

Optional. Specifies the minimum number of sample reports before which a power change requires dynamic sampling
  • <1-30> – Sets the minimum number of reports from 1 - 30. The default is 5.
neighbor-recovery {power-hold-time <0-3600>}


Optional. Specifies the minimum time, in seconds, between two power changes on a radio during neighbor-recovery


Sets the time from 0 - 3600 sec. The default is 0 seconds.
neighbor-recovery {power-threshold [2.4Ghz|5Ghz] <-85--55>}


Optional. Specifies the power threshold based on which recovery is performed

The 2.4 GHz/5.0 GHz radio uses the value specified here as the maximum power increase threshold if the radio is required to increase its output power to compensate for a failed radio within its coverage area.


Selects the band

  • 2.4GHz – Selects the 2.4 GHz band

  • 5GHz – Selects the 5.0 GHz band


Specify the threshold value

  • <-85--55> – Sets the power threshold from -85 dBm - -55 dBm. The default is -70 dBm for both the 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz bands.


nx9500-6C8809(config-smart-rf-policy-test)#neighbor-recovery power-threshold 2.4GHz -82
nx9500-6C8809(config-smart-rf-policy-test)#neighbor-recovery power-threshold 5GHz -65
nx9500-6C8809(config-smart-rf-policy-test)#show context
smart-rf-policy test
 group-by floor
 sensitivity custom
 assignable-power 2.4GHz max 20
 assignable-power 2.4GHz min 8
 channel-list 2.4GHz 1,12
 channel-width 5GHz auto
 channel-width 2.4GHz auto
 area test channel-list 2.4GHz 1,2,3
 avoidance-time dfs 300
 interference-recovery channel-switch-delta 2.4GHz 5
 neighbor-recovery power-threshold 5GHz -65
 neighbor-recovery power-threshold 2.4GHz -82
 coverage-hole-recovery snr-threshold 2.4GHz 35

Related Commands

no (smart-rf-policy-config-mode-command)

Disables recovery from faulty neighbor radios