
Customizes the output of the summary CLI commands. Use this command to define the data displayed as a result of various show commands.

Supported in the following platforms:


customize [cdp-lldp-info-column-width|hostname-column-width|show-adoption-status|
customize [cdp-lldp-info-column-width|hostname-column-width] <1-64>
customize show-adoption-status (adopted-by,ap-name <1-64>,cdp-lldp-info,
customize show-wireless-client (ap-name <1-64>,auth,client-identity <1-32>,bss,
enc,hostname <1-64>,ip,last-active,location <1-64>,mac,radio-alias <3-67>,radio-id,
radio-type,role <1-32>,state,username <1-64>,vendor,vlan,wlan)
customize show-wireless-client-stats (hostname <1-64>,mac,rx-bytes,rx-errors,
customize show-wireless-client-stats-rf (average-retry-number,error-rate,
hostname <1-64>,mac,noise,q-index,rx-rate,signal,snr,tx-rate)
customize show-wireless-meshpoint-accelerated-multicast 
customize show-wireless-meshpoint (ap-mac,cfg-as-root,hops,hostname <1-64>,
interface-ids,is-root,mesh-name <1-64>,mpid,next-hop-hostname <1-64>,next-hop-ifid,
next-hop-use-time,path-metric,root-bound-time,root-hostname <1-64>,root-mpid)
customize show-wireless-meshpoint-neighbor-stats (ap-hostname <1-64>,
neighbor-hostname <1-64>,neighbor-ifid,rx-bytes,rx-errors,rx-packets,rx-throughput,
customize show-wireless-meshpoint-neighbor-stats-rf (ap-hostname <1-64>,
average-retry-number,error-rate,neighbor-hostname <1-64>,neighbor-ifid,noise,q-index,
customize show-wireless-mint-client (client-alias <1-64>,client-bss,
portal-alias <1-64>,portal-bss,up-time)
customize show-wireless-mint-client-stats (client-alias <1-64>,
portal-alias <1-64>,portal-bss,rx-bytes,rx-errors,rx-packets,rx-throughput,t-index,
customize show-wireless-mint-client-stats-rf (average-retry-number,
client-alias <1-64>,error-rate,noise,portal-alias <1-64>,portal-bss,q-index,rx-rate,
customize show-wireless-mint-portal (client-alias <1-64>,client-bss,
portal-alias <1-64>,portal-bss,up-time)
customize show-wireless-mint-portal-stats (client-alias <1-64>,client-bss,
portal-alias <1-64>,rx-bytes,rx-errors,rx-packets,rx-throughput,t-index,tx-bytes,
customize show-wireless-mint-portal-stats-rf (average-retry-number,
client-alias <1-64>,client-bss,error-rate,noise,portal-alias <1-64>,q-index,rx-rate,
customize show-wireless-radio (adopt-to,ap-name <1-64>,channel,location <1-64>,
num-clients,power,radio-alias <3-67>,radio-id,radio-mac,rf-mode,state)
customize show-wireless-radio-stats (radio-alias <3-67>,radio-id,radio-mac,
customize show-wireless-radio-stats-rf (average-retry-number,error-rate,
noise,q-index,radio-alias <3-67>,radio-id,radio-mac,rx-rate,signal,snr,t-index,


customize [cdp-lldp-info-column-width|hostname-column-width] <1-64>
hostname-column-width <1-64> Configures default width of the hostname column in all show commands
  • <1-64> – Sets the hostname column width from 1 - 64 characters
cdp-lldp-info-column-width <1-64> Configures the column width in the show > cdp/lldp > [neighbor|report] command output
  • <1-64> – Sets the column width from 1 - 64 characters
customize show-adoption-status (adopted-by,ap-name <1-64>,cdp-lldp-info,
show-adoption-status Configures the information displayed in the show > adoption > status command output. Select the columns (information) displayed from the following options: adopted-by, ap-name, cdp-lldp-info, config-status, last-adoption, msgs, uptime, and version. These are recursive parameters and you can select multiple options at a time.

The columns displayed by default are: Device-Name, Version, Config-Status, MSGS, Adopted-By, Last-Adoption, and Uptime.

Where ever available, you can optionally use the <1-64> parameter to set the column width.

customize show-wireless-client (ap-name <1-64>,auth,client-identity <1-32>,
bss,enc,hostname <1-64>,ip,last-active,location <1-64>,mac,radio-alias <3-67>,
radio-id,radio-type,role <1-32>,state,username <1-64>,vendor,vlan,wlan)
show-wireless-client Customizes the show > wireless > client command output

The columns displayed by default are: MAC, IPv4, Vendor, Radio-ID, WLAN. VLAN, and State.

ap-name <1-64> Includes the ap-name column, which displays the name of the AP with which this client associates
  • <1-64> – Sets the ap-name column width from 1 - 64 characters
auth Includes the auth column, which displays the authorization protocol used by the wireless client
client-identity <1-32> Includes the client-identity (device type) column, which displays details gathered from DHCP device fingerprinting feature (when enabled). For more information, see client-identity.
  • <1-32> – Sets the client-identity column width from 1 - 32 characters
bss Includes the BSS column, which displays the BSS ID the wireless client is associated with
enc Includes the enc column, which displays the encryption suite used by the wireless client
hostname <1-64> Includes the hostname column, which displays the wireless client's hostname
  • <1-64> – Sets the hostname column width from 1 - 64 characters
ip Includes the IP column, which displays the wireless client's current IP address
last-active Includes the last-active column, which displays the time of last activity seen from the wireless client
location <1-64> Includes the location column, which displays the location of the client's associated Access Points
  • <1-64> – Sets the location column width from 1 - 64 characters
mac Includes the MAC column, which displays the wireless client's MAC address
radio-alias <3-67> Includes the radio-alias column, which displays the radio alias with the AP's hostname and radio interface number in the "HOSTNAME:RX" format
  • <3-67 – Sets the radio-alias column width from 3 - 67 characters
radio-id Includes the radio-id column, which displays the radio ID with the AP's MAC address and radio interface number in the "AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX" format
radio-type Includes the radio-type column, which displays the wireless client's radio type
role <1-32> Includes the role column, which displays the client's role
  • <1-32> – Sets the role column width from 1 - 32 characters
state Includes the state column, which displays the wireless client's current availability state
username <1-64> Includes the username column, which displays the wireless client's username
  • <1-64> – Specify the username column width from 1 - 64 characters.
vendor Includes the vendor column, which displays the wireless client's vendor ID
vlan Includes the VLAN column, which displays the wireless client's assigned VLAN
wlan Includes the WLAN column, which displays the wireless client's assigned WLAN
customize show-wireless-client-stats (hostname <1-64>,mac,rx-bytes,rx-errors,
show-wireless-client-stats Customizes the show > wireless > client > stats command output

The columns displayed by default are: MAC, Tx bytes, RX bytes, Tx pkts, Rx pkts, and Tx bps, RX bps, T-Index, and Dropped pkts.

hostname <1-64> Includes the hostname column, which displays the wireless client's hostname
  • <1-64> – Sets the hostname column width from 1 - 64 characters
mac Includes the MAC column, which displays the wireless client's MAC address
rx-bytes Includes the rx-bytes column, which displays the total number of bytes received by the wireless client
rx-errors Includes the rx-error column, which displays the total number of errors received by the wireless client
rx-packets Includes the rx-packets column, which displays the total number of packets received by the wireless client
rx-throughput Includes the rx-throughput column, which displays the receive throughput at the wireless client
t-index Includes the t-index column, which displays the traffic utilization index at the particular wireless client
tx-bytes Includes the tx-bytes column, which displays the total number of bytes transmitted by the wireless client
tx-dropped Includes the tx-dropped column, which displays the total number of dropped packets by the wireless client
tx-packets Includes the tx-packets column, which displays the total number of packets transmitted by the wireless client
tx-throughput Includes the tx-throughput column, which displays the transmission throughput at the wireless client
customize show-wireless-client-stats-rf (average-retry-number,error-rate,noise,
show-wireless-client-stats-rf Customizes the show > wireless > client stats RF command output

The columns displayed by default are: MAC, Signal (dBm), Noise (dBm), SNR (dB), TX Rate (Mbps), Retry Avg, Errors (pps), and Q-Index (%).

average-retry-number Includes the average-retry-number column, which displays the average number of retransmissions made per packet
error-rate Includes the error-rate column, which displays the rate of error for the wireless client
hostname <1-64> Includes the hostname column, which displays the wireless client's hostname
  • <1-64> – Sets the hostname column width from 1 - 64 characters
mac Includes the MAC column, which displays the wireless client's MAC address
noise Includes the noise column, which displays the noise (in dBm) as detected by the wireless client
q-index Includes the q-index column, which displays the RF quality index
Note: Higher values indicate better RF quality.
rx-rate Includes the rx-rate column, which displays the receive rate at the particular wireless client
signal Includes the signal column, which displays the signal strength (in dBm) at the particular wireless client
snr Includes the snr column, which displays the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio (in dB) at the particular wireless client
t-index Includes the t-index column, which displays the traffic utilization index at the particular wireless client
tx-rate Includes the tx-rate column, which displays the packet transmission rate at the particular wireless client
customize show-wireless-meshpoint-accelerated-multicast (ap-hostname,group-addr,
show-wireless-meshpoint-accelerated-multicast Configures the information displayed in the show > wireless > meshpoint > accelerated-multicast command output. Select the columns (information) displayed from the following options: ap-hostname, group-addr, mesh-name, neighbor-hostname, neighbor-ifid, radio-alias, radio-id, radio-mac, subscriptions. These are recursive parameters and you can select multiple options at a time.

The columns displayed by default are: Mesh, Radio, Neighbor-IFID, Neighbor-Hostname, Group-MAC, and Subscriptions.

customize show-wireless-meshpoint (ap-mac,cfg-as-root,hops,hostname <1-64>,
interface-ids,is-root,mesh-name <1-64>,mpid,next-hop-hostname <1-64>,next-hop-ifid,
next-hop-use-time,path-metric,root-bound-time,root-hostname <1-64>,root-mpid)
show-wireless-meshpoint Customizes the show > wireless > meshpoint command output

The columns displayed by default are: Mesh, Hostname, Hops, Is-Root, Config-As-Root, Root-Hostname, Root-Bound-Time, Path-Metric, Next-Hop-Hostname, and Next-Hop-Use-Time.

ap-mac Includes the ap-mac column, which displays the AP's MAC address in the AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF format. Applicable only in case of non-wireless controller meshpoints
cfg-as-root Includes the cfg-as-root column, which displays the configured root state of the meshpoint
hops Includes the hops column, which displays the number of hops to the root for this meshpoint
hostname <1-64> Includes the hostname column, which displays the AP's hostname. Applicable only in case of non-wireless controller meshpoints
  • <1-64> – Sets the hostname column width from 1 - 64 characters
interface-ids Includes the interface-ids column, which displays the interface identifiers (interfaces used by this meshpoint)
is-root Includes the is-root column, which displays the current root state of the meshpoint
mesh-name <1-64> Includes the mesh-name column, which displays the meshpoint's name
  • <1-64> – Sets the mesh-name column width from 1 - 64 characters
mpid Includes the mpid column, which displays the meshpoint identifier in the AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF format
next-hop-hostname <1-64> Includes the next-hop-hostname column, which displays the next-hop AP's name (the AP next in the path to the bound root)
  • <1-64> – Sets the next-hop-hostname column width from 1 - 64 characters
next-hop-ifid Includes the next-hop-ifid column, which displays the next-hop interface identifier in the AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF format
next-hop-use-time Includes the next-hop-use-time column, which displays the time since this meshpoint started using this next hop
root-bound-time Includes the root-bound-time column, which displays the time since this meshpoint has been bound to the current root
root-hostname <1-64> Includes the root-hostname column, which displays the root AP's hostname to which this meshpoint is bound
  • <1-64> – Sets the root-hostname column width from 1 - 64 characters
root-mpid Includes the root-mpid column, which displays the bound root meshpoint identifier in the AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF format
customize show-wireless-meshpoint-neighbor-stats (ap-hostname <1-64>,
neighbor-hostname <1-64>,neighbor-ifid,rx-bytes,rx-errors,rx-packets,rx-throughput,t-index,
show-wireless-meshpoint-neighbor-stats Customizes the show > wireless > meshpoint > neighbor > stats command output

The columns displayed by default are: AP Hostname, Neighbor-IFID, TX bytes, RX bytes, Tx pkts, Rx pkts, Tx (bps), Rx (bps), T-Index (%), and Dropped pkts.

ap-name <1-64> Includes the ap-name column, which displays name of the AP reporting a neighbor
  • <1-64> – Sets the ap-name column width from 1 - 64 characters
neighbor-hostname <1-64> Includes the neighbor-hostname column, which displays the reported neighbor's hostname
  • <1-64> – Sets the neighbor-hostname column width from 1 - 64 characters
neighbor-ifid Includes the neighbor-ifid column, which displays the neighbor's interface ID
rx-bytes Includes the rx-bytes column, which displays the total bytes received
rx-errors Includes the rx-error column, which displays the total bytes of error received
rx-packets Includes the rx-packets column, which displays the number of packets received
rx-throughput Includes the rx-throughput column, which displays neighbor's received throughput
t-index Includes the t-index column, which displays the traffic utilization index at the neighbor end
tx-bytes Includes the tx-bytes column, which displays the total bytes transmitted
tx-dropped Includes the tx-dropped column, which displays the total bytes dropped
tx-packets Includes the tx-packets column, which displays the number of packets transmitted
tx-throughput Includes the tx-throughput column, which displays neighbor's transmitted throughput
customize show-wireless-meshpoint-neighbor-stats-rf (ap-hostname <1-64>,
average-retry-number,error-rate,neighbor-hostname <1-64>,neighbor-ifid,noise,
show-wireless-meshpoint-neighbor-stats-rf Customizes the show > wireless > meshpoint > neighbor > statistics RF command output

The columns displayed by default are: AP Hostname, Neighbor-IFID, Signal (dBm), Noise (dBm), SNR (dB), Tx-Rate (Mbps), Rx-Rate (Mbps), Retry Avg, Errors (pps), and Q-Index (%).

ap-name <1-64> Includes the ap-name column, which displays name of the AP reporting a neighbor
  • <1-64> – Sets the ap-name column width from 1 - 64 characters
average-retry-number Includes the average-retry-number column, which displays the average number of retransmissions made per packet.
error-rate Includes the error-rate column
neighbor-hostname <1-64> Includes the neighbor-hostname, which displays reported neighbor's hostname
  • <1-64> – Sets the neighbor-hostname column width from 1 - 64 characters
noise Includes the noise column, which displays the noise level in dBm
q-index Includes the q-index column, which displays the q-index
rx-rate Includes the rx-rate column, which displays rate of receiving
signal Includes the signal column, which displays the signal strength in dBM
snr Includes the snr column, which displays the signal-to-noise ratio
t-index Includes the t-index column, which displays t-index
tx-rate Includes the tx-rate column, which displays rate of transmission
customize show-wireless-mint-client (client-alias <1-64>,client-bss,portal-alias <1-64>,portal-bss,up-time)
show-wireless-mint-client Configures the information displayed in the show > wireless > mint > client command output. Select the columns (information) displayed from the following options: client-alias, client-bss, portal-alias, portal-bss, and up-time. These are recursive parameters and you can select multiple options at a time.

The columns displayed by default are: Portal, Portal-Radio-MAC, Client, Client-Radio-MAC, and Up-Time.

customize show-wireless-mint-client-stats (client-alias <1-64>,portal-alias <1-64>,
show-wireless-mint-client-stats Configures the information displayed in the show > wireless > mint > client > statistics command output. Select the columns (information) displayed from the following options: client-alias, portal-alias, portal-bss, rx-bytes, rx-errors, rx-packets, rx-throughput, t-index, tx-bytes, tx-dropped, tx-packets, tx-throughput. These are recursive parameters and you can select multiple options at a time.

The columns displayed by default are: Portal, Portal-Radio-MAC, Client, Tx bytes, Rx bytes, TX pkts, Rx pkts, TX (bps), Rx (bps), T-Index (%), and Dropped pkts.

Where ever available, you can optionally use the <1-64> parameter to set the column width.

customize show-wireless-mint-client-stats-rf (average-retry-number,
client-alias <1-64>,error-rate,noise,portal-alias <1-64>,portal-bss,q-index,rx-rate,
show-wireless-mint-client-stats-rf Configures the information displayed in the show > wireless > mint > client > statistics > rf command output. Select the columns (information) displayed from the following options: average-retry-number, client-alias, error-rate, noise, portal-alias, portal-bss, q-index, rx-rate, signal, snr, and tx-rate. These are recursive parameters and you can select multiple options at a time.

The columns displayed by default are: MAC, Signal (dBm), Noise (dBm), SNR (dB), Tx-Rate (Mbps), Rx-rate (Mbps), Retry Avg, Errors (pps), and Q-Index (%).

Where ever available, you can optionally use the <1-64> parameter to set the column width.

customize show-wireless-mint-portal (client-alias <1-64>,client-bss,
portal-alias <1-64>,portal-bss,up-time)
show-wireless-mint-portal Configures the information displayed in the show > wireless > mint > portal command output. Select the columns (information) displayed from the following options: client-alias, client-bss, portal-alias, portal-bss, and up-time. These are recursive parameters and you can select multiple options at a time.

The columns displayed by default are: Client, Client-Radio-MAC, Portal, Portal-Radio-MAC, and Up-Time.

Where ever available, optionally use the <1-64> parameter to set the column width.

customize show-wireless-mint-portal-stats-rf (average-retry-number,
client-alias <1-64>,client-bss,error-rate,noise,portal-alias <1-64>,q-index,rx-rate,
show-wireless-mint-portal-stats-rf Configures the information displayed in the show > wireless > mint > portal > statistics > rf command output. Select the columns (information) displayed from the following options: average-retry-number, client-alias, client-bss, error-rate, noise, portal-alias, q-index, rx-rate, signal, snr, tx-rate. These are recursive parameters and you can select multiple options at a time.

The columns displayed by default are: Client, Client-Radio-MAC, Portal, Signal (dBm), Noise (dBm), SNR (dB), Tx-Rate (Mbps), Rx-rate (Mbps), Retry Avg, Errors (pps), and Q-Index (%).

Where ever available, optionally use the <1-64> parameter to set the column width.

customize show-wireless-radio (adopt-to,ap-name <1-64>,channel,location <1-64>,
num-clients,power,radio-alias <3-67>,radio-id,radio-mac,rf-mode,state)
show-wireless-radio Customizes the show wireless radio command output
adopt-to Includes the adopt-to column, which displays information about the wireless controller adopting this AP
ap-name <1-64> Includes the ap-name column, which displays information about the AP this radio belongs
  • <1-64> – Sets the ap-name column width from 1 - 64 characters
channel Includes the channel column, which displays information about the configured and current channel for this radio
location <1-64> Includes the location column, which displays the location of the AP this radio belongs
  • <1-64> – Sets the location column width from 1 - 64 characters
num-clients Includes the num-clients column, which displays the number of clients associated with this radio
power Includes the power column, which displays the radio's configured and current transmit power
radio-alias <3-67> Includes the radio-alias column, which displays the radio's alias (combination of AP's hostname and radio interface number in the "HOSTNAME:RX" formate)
  • <3-67> – Sets the radio-alias column width from 3 - 67 characters
radio-id Includes the radio-id column, which displays the radio‘s ID (combination of AP's MAC address and radio interface number in the "AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX" format)
radio-mac Includes the radio-mac column, which displays the radio's base MAC address
rf-mode Includes the rf-mode column, which displays the radio's operating mode. The radio mode can be 2.4 GHz, 5.0 GHz, or sensor.
state Includes the state column, which displays the radio's current operational state
customize show-wireless-radio-stats (radio-alias <3-67>,radio-id,radio-mac,
show-wireless-radio-stats Customizes the show wireless radio statistics command output
radio-alias <3-67> Includes the radio-alias column, which displays the radio's alias (combination of AP's hostname and radio interface number in the "HOSTNAME:RX" format)
  • <3-67> – Sets the radio-alias column width from 3 - 67 characters
radio-id Includes the radio-id column, which displays the radio‘s ID (combination of AP's MAC address and radio interface number in the "AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX" format)
radio-mac Includes the radio-mac column, which displays the radio's base MAC address
rx-bytes Includes the rx-bytes column, which displays the total number of bytes received by the radio
rx-errors Includes the rx-error column, which displays the total number of errors received by the radio
rx-packets Includes the rx-packets column, which displays the total number of packets received by the radio
rx-throughput Includes the rx-throughput column, which displays the receive throughput at the radio
tx-bytes Includes the tx-bytes column, which displays the total number of bytes transmitted by the radio
tx-dropped Includes the tx-dropped column, which displays the total number of packets dropped by the radio
tx-packets Includes the tx-packets column, which displays the total number of packets transmitted by the radio
tx-throughput Includes the tx-throughput column, which displays the transmission throughput at the radio
customize show-wireless-radio-stats-rf (average-retry-number,error-rate,noise,
-index,radio-alias <3-67>,radio-id,radio-mac,rx-rate,signal,snr,t-index,tx-rate)
show-wireless-radio-stats-rf Customizes the show wireless radio stats RF command output
average-retry-number Includes the average-retry-number column, which displays the average number of retransmissions per packet
error-rate Includes the error-rate column, which displays the rate of error for the radio
noise Includes the noise column, which displays the noise detected by the radio
q-index Includes the q-index column, which displays the RF quality index
Note: Higher values indicate better RF quality.
radio-alias <3-67> Includes the radio-alias column, which displays the radio's alias (combination of AP's hostname and radio interface number in the "HOSTNAME:RX" format)
  • <3-67> – Sets the radio-alias column width from 3 - 67 characters
radio-id Includes the radio-id column, which displays the radio‘s ID (combination of AP's MAC address and radio interface number in the "AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX" format)
radio-mac Includes the radio-mac column, which displays the radio's base MAC address
rx-rate Includes the rx-rate column, which displays the receive rate at the particular radio
signal Includes the signal column, which displays the signal strength at the particular radio
snr Includes the snr column, which displays the signal-to-noise ratio at the particular radio
t-index Includes the t-index column, which displays the traffic utilization index at the particular radio
tx-rate Includes the tx-rate column, which displays the packet transmission rate at the particular radio


The following example shows the shows the show > adoption > status command output before customizing the output:

NX7500-160C09#show adoption status
Adopted by:
Type          : nx9000
System Name   : nx9500-6C8809
MAC address   : B4-C7-99-6C-88-09
MiNT address  : 19.6C.88.09
Time          :   4 days 22:38:32 ago

Adopted Devices:
ap7532-A2A56C   configured No    NX7500-160C09   4 days 22:25:56   4 days 22:31:23
Total number of devices displayed: 1
NX7500-160C09(config)#customize show-adoption-status adopted-by ap-name config-status last-adoption

The following example shows the shows the show > adoption > status command output after customizing the output:

NX7500-160C09#show adoption status
Adopted by:
Type          : nx9000
System Name   : nx9500-6C8809
MAC address   : B4-C7-99-6C-88-09
MiNT address  : 19.6C.88.09
Adopted Devices:
NX7500-160C09   ap7532-A2A56C    configured        4 days 22:25:56

Total number of devices displayed: 1

Use the no > customize > show-adoption-status command to revert back to the default format.

NX7500-160C09(config)#no customize show-adoption-status
NX7500-160C09#show adoption status
Adopted by:
Type          : nx9000
System Name   : nx9500-6C8809
MAC address   : B4-C7-99-6C-88-09
MiNT address  : 19.6C.88.09
Time          :   4 days 22:38:32 ago

Adopted Devices:
ap7532-A2A56C  configured No   NX7500-160C09    4 days 22:25:56    4 days 22:31:23
Total number of devices displayed: 1

Related Commands

no Restores custom CLI settings to default