
Enables Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS) on this management policy

Supported in the following platforms:





https server

Configures secure HTTP related parameters on this management policy

server Enables HTTPS on this management policy. HTTPS provides both authentication and data encryption as opposed to just authentication. This option is enabled by default.
sslv3 Enables the use of SSLv3 protocol to connect to a Web page. When enabled, SSLv2 Web authentication is disabled, and enforces the use of Web browsers supporting SSLv3, which is a more secure protocol. This option is disabled by default.
use-secure-ciphers-only Enables the use of TLS v1.2 ciphers to secure client-server network communications. When enabled, for HTTPS connections the TLS v1.2 protocol is used, instead of the less secure TLS v1.0 or TLS v1.1 protocols. This option is enabled by default.


nx9500-6C8809(config-management-policy-test)#https server
nx9500-6C8809(config-management-policy-test)#show context
management-policy test
 http server
 https server
 ftp username superuser password 1 f617ca50c59fb47028f96db4baab5f3d8f03c03ab257960b0fd127c69f02cd7e rootdir dir
 no ssh
 aaa-login radius external
 aaa-login radius policy test
 banner motd "Have a Good Day"

The following example shows that the ‘use-secure-ciphers-only‘ option is enabled by default:

nx9500-6C8809(config-management-policy-default)#show context include-factory | include https
https server
no https sslv3
https use-secure-ciphers-only

Related Commands


Disables HTTPS on this management policy