
crypto-auto-ipsec-tunnel commands

Enables the forced IKEv2 peer re-authentication. This option is disabled by default.

In most IPSec tunnel configurations, the lifetime of IKE SAs between peers is limited. Once the IKE SA key expires it is renegotiated. In such a scenario, the IKEv2 tunnel peers may or may not re-authenticate themselves. When enabled, IKE tunnel peers have to re-authenticate each time the IKE SA is renegotiated.

Supported in the following platforms:


ikev2 peer reauth


ikev2 peer reauth
ikev2 peer reauth Enables IKEv2 peer re-authentication. When enabled, IKE tunnel peers are forced to re-authenticate each time the IKE key is renegotiated.


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-testAP8533-crypto-auto-ipsec-secure)#ikev2 peer reauth