
Configures payload settings. The payload command sets a numerical index pattern and offset for this WIPS signature. Payload-based signatures detect patterns in the content of the file rather than attributes, such as a hash, allowing them to identify and block altered malware.

Supported in the following platforms:


payload <1-3> pattern <WORD> offset <0-255>


payload <1-3> pattern <WORD> offset <0-255>

payload <1-3>

Configures payload settings

  • <1-3> – Set the payload index from 1 - 3.

pattern <WORD>

Specifies the pattern to match: hex or string

  • <WORD> – Set the pattern name.

offset <0-255>

Specifies the payload offset to start the pattern match

  • <0-255> – Set the offset value from 0 - 255.


nx9500-6C8809(config-test-signature-test)#payload 1 pattern test offset 1
nx9500-6C8809(config-test-signature-test)#show context
 signature test
  bssid 11-22-33-44-55-66
  dst-mac 55-66-77-88-99-00
  frame-type assoc
  filter-ageout 8
  payload 1 pattern test offset 1

Related Commands

no (wips-signature-config-mode-command)

Removes payload index and associated settings